Lei Yan
Lei Yan
Tianjin University
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Molecular mechanics (MM3). Calculations of furan, vinyl ethers, and related compounds
NL Allinger, L Yan
Journal of the American Chemical Society 115 (25), 11918-11925, 1993
Mullins effect recovery of a nanoparticle‐filled polymer
L Yan, DA Dillard, RL West, LD Lower, GV Gordon
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 48 (21), 2207-2214, 2010
Uniaxial ratchetting behavior of vulcanized natural rubber
W Yu, X Chen, Y Wang, L Yan, N Bai
Polymer Engineering & Science 48 (1), 191-197, 2008
Experimental study on multiaxial ratcheting behavior of vulcanized natural rubber
Y Wang, X Chen, W Yu, L Yan
Polymer Engineering & Science 49 (3), 506-513, 2009
Preliminary study on distinguishment method of low-level-light night vision devices
C Hongchang, SHI Feng, LI Zhoukui, SHI Hongli, BAI Xiaofeng, YAN Lei, ...
Journal of Applied Optics 42 (6), 1092-1101, 2021
Strain rate and temperature dependence of a nanoparticle‐filled poly (dimethylsiloxane) undergoing shear deformation
L Yan, DA Dillard, RL West, KJ Rubis, GV Gordon
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 2012
测井 2 地震多属性密度曲线重构反演技术及应用
贾建亮, 刘招君, 陈永成, 方石, 闫磊, 孙平昌
吉林 大学 学报 (地 球科 学版) 40 (3), 2010
The application of wavelet analysis in hydrological sequence trend analysis
X Xue, S Huang, Q Huang, Y Lei
2008 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical …, 2008
刘丽庭, 刘丹, 沈斌, 马连山, 阎丽萍, 韩在文
山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报 22 (5), 434-438, 2008
Highly Conductive Nb-Doped BaTiO3 Epitaxial Thin Films Grown by Laser Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Y Lei, L Hui-Bin, C Zheng-Hao, D Shou-Yu, T Guo-Tai, Y Guo-Zhen
Chinese Physics Letters 18 (11), 1513, 2001
Determination on total flavonoids content in stems and leaves of Trollius chinensis Bge. and Trollius ledebouri Rchb. at different collection period
LQ Yan, DL Zhu, WL Ding
Modern Chin Med 10 (9), 12-13, 2008
Estimating the stresses in linear viscoelastic sealants subjected to thermally-driven deformations
DA Dillard, L Yan, RL West, GV Gordon, LD Lower
The Journal of Adhesion 87 (2), 162-178, 2011
闫磊, 潘保芝, 陈玉魁, 杨雪, 张晓明
物探与化探 32 (006), 656-660, 2008
Effect of TSL and PSL in Al^(3+)-Doped BaFBr∶ Eu^(2+) at Difference Synthesis Conditions
余华, 熊光楠, 李岩
稀土学报: 英文版 21 (2), 149-152, 2003
Natural color low-level-light EBAPS imaging system based on three-color LCTF
LIU Xuan, LI Ruiqiang, LI Li, JIN Weiqi, C Hongchang, YAN Lei, Z Zhou
Journal of Applied Optics 43 (6), 1044-1053, 2022
Out-of-phase thermo-mechanical coupling behavior of proton exchange membranes
X Chen, L Yan, Z Wang, D Liu
Journal of Power Sources 196 (5), 2644-2649, 2011
The Nonlinear Viscoelastic Properties of PFSA Membranes in Water-immersed and Humid Air Conditions
L Yan, TA Gray, KA Patankar, SW Case, MW Ellis, RB Moore, DA Dillard, ...
Experimental Mechanics on Emerging Energy Systems and Materials, Volume 5 …, 2011
The application and analysis of GPS in ITS
YAN Lei, M Lili, Y Liu
Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping 8, 26-28, 2005
Formation of interfacial layers in LaAlO3/silicon during film deposition
X Wen-Feng, L Hui-Bin, Y Lei, H Meng, Z Yue-Liang, C Zheng-Hao
Chinese Physics Letters 23 (2), 467, 2006
长碳链多胺类系列化合物对铁在含 H 2S 的硫酸溶液中的缓蚀作用
闫丽静, 杨帆, 林海潮
中国腐蚀与防护学报 21 (1), 19-25, 2009
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Articles 1–20