Abbar Bouamama
Abbar Bouamama
Chercheur CNRS, Université Le Havre Normandie Laboratoire Ondes et Milieux Complexes (LOMC
univ-lehavre.frÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Experimental investigation on removal of heavy metals (Cu2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+) from aqueous solution by flax fibres
B Abbar, A Alem, S Marcotte, A Pantet, ND Ahfir, L Bizet, D Duriatti
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 109, 639-647, 2017
Experimental investigation on removal of suspended particles from water using flax fibre geotextiles
B Abbar, A Alem, A Pantet, S Marcotte, ND Ahfir, D Duriatti
Environmental technology 38 (23), 2964-2978, 2017
Hydrogeophysical characterization and determination of petrophysical parameters by integrating geophysical and hydrogeological data at the limestone vadose zone of the Beauce ¡¦
M Abbas, J Deparis, A Isch, C Mallet, C Jodry, M Azaroual, B Abbar, ...
Journal of Hydrology 615, 128725, 2022
Nonwoven flax fibres geotextiles effects on solute heavy metals transport in porous media
B Abbar, A Alem, A Pantet, S Marcotte, ND Ahfir, H Wang, T Ouahbi, ...
Environmental Technology, 2020
A comprehensive experimental and numerical analysis of water flow and travel time in a highly heterogeneous vadose zone
A Isch, Y Coquet, B Abbar, C Aldana, M Abbas, A Bruand, M Azaroual
Journal of Hydrology 610, 127875, 2022
Effect of natural geotextile on the cotransport of heavy metals (Cu2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+) and kaolinite particles
B Abbar, A Alem, A Pantet, ND Ahfir, S Marcotte, H Wang, B Duchemin
Environmental Technology 42 (4), 558-570, 2021
Removal of dissolved and particulate contaminants from aqueous solution using natural flax fibres
B Abbar, A Alem, A Pantet, S Marcotte, ND Ahfir, D Duriatti
Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 35 (2), 656-661, 2017
Fiber optic technology for environmental monitoring: state of the art and application in the observatory of transfers in the Vadose Zone-(O-ZNS)
B Abbar, A Isch, K Michel, M Abbas, H Vincent, P Abbasimaedeh, ...
Instrumentation and Measurement Technologies for Water Cycle Management, 189-222, 2022
Fiber optic and hydrogeological sensors for the monitoring of mass and heat transfers through the vadose zone of a Cenozoic limestone aquifer (Beauce, Orléans, France)
B Abbar, A Isch, MM Azaroual
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H202-02, 2020
Influence de la physico-chimie des eaux de ruissellement sur la vulnérabilité des ouvrages de rétention
B Abbar
Normandie Université, 2018
Reactive transport simulations throughout the Vadose Zone of a complex multiphase hydrosystem using the O-ZNS Observatory data
MM Azaroual, B Abbar, A Isch, G Laurent, C Mallet
Goldschmidt Conference, 2024
Devenir d¡¯un nouveau type de phytosanitaire dans des sols de Beauce: Etude de la mobilité et de la réactivité dans les sols
A Pivert, B Abbar, N Freslon, C Le Milbeau, I Gillaizeau, C Nicolas, ...
6ème congrès des géochimistes organiciens francophones (FROG VI), 2024
OZNS: Observatoire des transferts dans la Zone Non Saturée à Villamblain (Orléans)
B Abbar, M Abbas, C Mallet, G Laurent, J Deparis, JM Baltassat, ...
1es journées scientifiques One Water: Eau, bien commun, 2023
Etude de filtration des eaux de ruissellement par la fibre de lin et du sable à l¡¯échelle du laboratoire
B Abbar, A Alem, A Pantet, ND Ahfir
Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 41 (1), 386-399, 2023
Digital Outcrop Acquisition for the Observatory of the Vadose Zone (OZNS)
G Laurent, C Mallet, T Dewez, L Lefrançois, B Abbar, M Abbas, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-15336, 2023
Hydrogeophysical characterization and determination of petrophysical and hydrodynamic parameters at the O-ZNS observatory of the vadose zone.
M Abbas, J Deparis, A Isch, C Mallet, C Jodry, JM Baltassat, B Abbar, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, NS35B-0366, 2021
Observatory of Transfers in the Vadose Zone" O-ZNS"(in Orléans, France): Instrumentation strategy and installation of fiber optic sensors (DTS, DAS and DSS)
B Abbar, A Isch, C Mallet, C Jodry, L Gautier, M Abbas, M Azaroual
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-8639, 2021
Effect of natural geotextile on the cotransport of heavy metals (Cu©÷⁺, Pb©÷⁺, and Zn©÷⁺) and kaolinite particles
B Abbar, A Alem, A Pantet, ND Ahfir, S Marcotte, H Wang, B Duchemin
Monitoring of the mass and heat transfers through a heterogeneous karstic limestone vadose zone of an agricultural field (Beauce Aquifer, Orleans, France)
B Abbar, C Jodry, A Isch, G Laurent, M Azaroual
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5294, 2020
Plateforme O-ZNS: Observatoire des transferts dans la Zone Non-Saturée
M Azaroual, A Isch, C Jodry, B Abbar, L Gautier, C Mallet, L Mercury, ...
Nouveaux capteurs environnementaux-DEFI15, 2020
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