Alexander Kovalev
Alexander Kovalev
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
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Magnetic solitons
AM Kosevich, BA Ivanov, AS Kovalev
Physics Reports 194 (3-4), 117-238, 1990
Nonlinear magnetization waves. Dynamic and topological solitons
AM Kosevich, BA Ivanov, AS Kovalev
Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1983
Нелинейные волны намагниченности. Динамические и топологические солитоны
АМ Косевич, БА Иванов, АС Ковалев
Наукова думка, 1983
An introduction to nonlinear physical mechanics
AM Kosevich, AS Kovalev
Kiev Izdatel Naukova Dumka, 1989
Введение в нелинейную физическую механику
КAC Косевич АМ
Self-localization of vibrations in a one-dimensional anharmonic chain
AM Kosevich, AS Kovalev
Soviet Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 40, 891, 1975
Selflocalization of vibrations in a one-dimensional anharmonic chain
AM Kosevich, AS Kovalev
Sov. Phys. JETP 67, 1793, 1974
The supersonic motion of a crowdion. The one-dimensional model with nonlinear interaction between the nearest neighbours
AM Kosevich, AS Kovalev
Solid State Communications 12 (8), 763-765, 1973
Dynamical and topological solitons in a ferromagnet
AM Kosevich, BA Ivanov, AS Kovalev
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 3 (1-2), 363-373, 1981
Magnetic vortex-topological soliton in a ferromagnet with an easy-axis anisotropy
AS Kovalev, AM Kosevich, KV Maslov
JETP Lett 30 (6), 296-299, 1979
Dynamical solitons in a one-dimensional nonlinear diatomic chain
OA Chubykalo, AS Kovalev, OV Usatenko
Physical Review B 47 (6), 3153, 1993
Nonlinear localized magnetization wave in a ferromagnet as a bound state of a large number of magnons
AM Kosevich, BA Ivanov, AS Kovalev
Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics 3 (7), 440-447, 1977
Exact multisoliton solution of one-dimensional Landau-Lifshitz equations for an anisotropic ferromagnet
MM Bogdan, AS Kovalev
Soviet Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 31, 424, 1980
Localization of nonlinear waves in layered media
IV Gerasimchuk, AS Kovalev
Low Temperature Physics 26 (8), 586-593, 2000
Dynamics and stability of localized modes in non-linear media with point defect.; Dinamika i ustojchivostlokalizovannykh mod v nelinejnykh sredakh s tochechnymi defektami.
MM Bogdan, AS Kovalev, IV Gerasimchuk
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 23, 1997
Do surface acoustic solitons exist?
C Eckl, AP Mayer, AS Kovalev
Physical review letters 81 (5), 983, 1998
Solitary surface acoustic waves
C Eckl, AS Kovalev, AP Mayer, AM Lomonosov, P Hess
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (4 …, 2004
Dynamics and stability of localized modes in nonlinear media with point defects
MM Bogdan, AS Kovalev, IV Gerasimchuk
Low Temperature Physics 23 (2), 145-152, 1997
Model of interacting atomic chains and its application to the description of the crowdion in an anisotropic crystal
AI Landau, AS Kovalev, AD Kondratyuk
physica status solidi (b) 179 (2), 373-381, 1993
Theoretical Description of the Crowdion in an Anisotropic Crystal Based on the Frenkel‐Kontorova Model Including and Elastic Three‐Dimensional Medium
AS Kovalev, AD Kondratyuk, AM Kosevich, AI Landau
physica status solidi (b) 177 (1), 117-127, 1993
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Articles 1–20