Emanuele Marino
Emanuele Marino
Junior Assistant Professor, Università degli Studi di Palermo
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Cited by
Solvatochromism unravels the emission mechanism of carbon nanodots
A Sciortino, E Marino, B Dam, P Schall, M Cannas, F Messina
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (17), 3419-3423, 2016
Emergence of complexity in hierarchically organized chiral particles
W Jiang, Z Qu, P Kumar, D Vecchio, Y Wang, Y Ma, JH Bahng, ...
Science 368 (6491), 642-648, 2020
Excitation‐dependent photoluminescence from single‐carbon dots
B Van Dam, H Nie, B Ju, E Marino, JMJ Paulusse, P Schall, M Li, ...
Small 13 (48), 1702098, 2017
Photonically active bowtie nanoassemblies with chirality continuum
P Kumar, T Vo, M Cha, A Visheratina, JY Kim, W Xu, J Schwartz, A Simon, ...
Nature 615 (7952), 418-424, 2023
Revealing driving forces in quantum dot supercrystal assembly
E Marino, TE Kodger, GH Wegdam, P Schall
Advanced Materials 30 (43), 1803433, 2018
Repairing nanoparticle surface defects
E Marino, TE Kodger, RW Crisp, D Timmerman, KE MacArthur, M Heggen, ...
Angewandte Chemie 129 (44), 13983-13987, 2017
Design rules for obtaining narrow luminescence from semiconductors made in solution
HA Nguyen, G Dixon, FY Dou, S Gallagher, S Gibbs, DM Ladd, E Marino, ...
Chemical Reviews 123 (12), 7890-7952, 2023
Highly stable perovskite supercrystals via oil-in-oil templating
Y Tang, L Gomez, A Lesage, E Marino, TE Kodger, JM Meijer, P Kolpakov, ...
Nano letters 20 (8), 5997-6004, 2020
Simultaneous photonic and excitonic coupling in spherical quantum dot supercrystals
E Marino, A Sciortino, A Berkhout, KE MacArthur, M Heggen, ...
ACS nano 14 (10), 13806-13815, 2020
Favoring the growth of high-quality, three-dimensional supercrystals of nanocrystals
E Marino, AW Keller, D An, S Van Dongen, TE Kodger, KE MacArthur, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (20), 11256-11264, 2020
Controlling superstructure–property relationships via critical Casimir assembly of quantum dots
E Marino, DM Balazs, RW Crisp, D Hermida-Merino, MA Loi, TE Kodger, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (22), 13451-13457, 2019
Assembling quantum dots via critical Casimir forces
E Marino, TE Kodger, JB ten Hove, AH Velders, P Schall
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 158, 154-159, 2016
Monodisperse nanocrystal superparticles through a source–sink emulsion system
E Marino, SW Van Dongen, SJ Neuhaus, W Li, AW Keller, CR Kagan, ...
Chemistry of materials 34 (6), 2779-2789, 2022
Nanocrystal superparticles with whispering-gallery modes tunable through chemical and optical triggers
E Marino, H Bharti, J Xu, CR Kagan, CB Murray
Nano Letters 22 (12), 4765-4773, 2022
Controlled deposition of nanoparticles with critical Casimir forces
E Marino, OA Vasilyev, BB Kluft, MJB Stroink, S Kondrat, P Schall
Nanoscale Horizons 6 (9), 751-758, 2021
Debye vs. Casimir: controlling the structure of charged nanoparticles deposited on a substrate
OA Vasilyev, E Marino, BB Kluft, P Schall, S Kondrat
Nanoscale 13 (13), 6475-6488, 2021
In Situ EXAFS-Based Nanothermometry of Heterodimer Nanocrystals under Induction Heating
DJ Rosen, S Yang, E Marino, Z Jiang, CB Murray
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (7), 3623-3634, 2022
Temperature-controlled reversible formation and phase transformation of 3D Nanocrystal superlattices through in situ small-angle x-ray scattering
E Marino, DJ Rosen, S Yang, EHR Tsai, CB Murray
Nano Letters 23 (10), 4250-4257, 2023
Frequency stabilization and optically tunable lasing in colloidal quantum dot superparticles
SJ Neuhaus, E Marino, CB Murray, CR Kagan
Nano Letters 23 (2), 645-651, 2023
Microwave heating of nanocrystals for rapid, low-aggregation intermetallic phase transformations
DJ Rosen, AC Foucher, JD Lee, S Yang, E Marino, EA Stach, CB Murray
ACS Materials Letters 4 (5), 823-830, 2022
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Articles 1–20