Gunnar Stefansson
Gunnar Stefansson
Professor of Statistics, University of Iceland
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When can marine reserves improve fisheries management?
R Hilborn, K Stokes, JJ Maguire, T Smith, LW Botsford, M Mangel, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 47 (3-4), 197-205, 2004
Analysis of groundfish survey abundance data: combining the GLM and delta approaches
G Stefánsson
ICES journal of Marine Science 53 (3), 577-588, 1996
Potential collapse of North Sea cod stocks
RM Cook, A Sinclair, G Stefansson
Nature 385 (6616), 521-522, 1997
Estimating uncertainty in fish stock assessment and forecasting
K Patterson, R Cook, C Darby, S Gavaris, L Kell, P Lewy, B Mesnil, A Punt, ...
Fish and fisheries 2 (2), 125-157, 2001
Cannibalism and year-class strength in Atlantic cod (Cadus morhua L.) in Arcto-boreal ecosystems (Barents Sea.-Iceland, and eastern Newfoundland)
B Bogstad, GRLS Mehl, OK Palsson, G Stefansson
ICES marine science symposia 198, 576-599, 1994
Combining control measures for more effective management of fisheries under uncertainty: quotas, effort limitation and protected areas
G Stefansson, AA Rosenberg
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 360 …, 2005
On confidence sets in multiple comparisons
G Stefansson, WC Kim, JC Hsu
Statistical decision theory and related topics IV, 89-104, 1988
Points of view: A framework for multispecies modelling of Arcto-boreal systems
G Stefansson, OK Palsson
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 8, 101-104, 1998
Habitat preference of sea cucumbers: Holothuria atra and Holothuria edulis in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka
DC Dissanayake, G Stefansson
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 92 (03 …, 2012
Spatial variation in abundance, size composition and viable egg production of spawning cod (Gadus morhua L.) in Icelandic waters
G Marteinsdottir, A Gudmundsdottir, V Thorsteinsson, G Stefansson
ICES Journal of Marine Science 57 (4), 824-830, 2000
Icelandic groundfish survey data used to improve precision in stock assessments
OK Pálsson, E Jónsson, SA Schopka, G Stefánsson
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 9 (1), 1989
Statistical evaluation and modelling of the stomach contents of Icelandic cod (Gadus morhua)
G Stefansson, OK Palsson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54 (1), 169-181, 1997
Abundance and distribution of commercial sea cucumber species in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka
DCT Dissanayake, G Stefansson
Aquatic Living Resources 23 (3), 303-313, 2010
Utilization of the Icelandic cod stock in a multispecies context
A Danielsson, G Stefansson, FM Baldursson, K Thorarinsson
Marine Resource Economics 12 (4), 329-344, 1997
Management of summer-spawning herring off Iceland
J Jakobsson, G Stefánsson
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 56 (6), 827-833, 1999
On the rational utilization of the Icelandic cod stock
FM Baldursson, Á Daníelsson, G Stefánsson
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 53 (4), 643-658, 1996
Exploring Lake Victoria ecosystem functioning using the Atlantis modeling framework
C Nyamweya, E Sturludottir, T Tomasson, EA Fulton, A Taabu-Munyaho, ...
Environmental modelling & software 86, 158-167, 2016
A simple implementation of the statistical modelling framework Gadget for cod in Icelandic waters
L Taylor, J Begley, V Kupca, G Stefansson
African Journal of Marine Science 29 (2), 223-245, 2007
The tutor-web: An educational system for classroom presentation, evaluation and self-study
G Stefansson
Computers & Education 43 (4), 315-343, 2004
Analysis of cod catch data from Icelandic groundfish surveys using generalized linear models
J Brynjarsdóttir, G Stefánsson
Fisheries Research 70 (2-3), 195-208, 2004
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Articles 1–20