Young K Truong
Young K Truong
Professor of Biostatistics
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Polynomial splines and their tensor products in extended linear modeling: 1994 Wald memorial lecture
CJ Stone, MH Hansen, C Kooperberg, YK Truong
The Annals of statistics 25 (4), 1371-1470, 1997
Nonparametric regression with errors in variables
J Fan, YK Truong
The Annals of Statistics, 1900-1925, 1993
Hazard regression
C Kooperberg, CJ Stone, YK Truong
Journal of the American Statistical Association 90 (429), 78-94, 1995
Robust non-parametric function estimation
J Fan, TC Hu, YK Truong
Scandinavian journal of statistics, 433-446, 1994
The prevalence of neck pain in migraine
AH Calhoun, S Ford, C Millen, AG Finkel, Y Truong, Y Nie
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 50 (8), 1273-1277, 2010
Nonparametric function estimation involving time series
YK Truong, CJ Stone
The Annals of Statistics, 77-97, 1992
Local linear estimation in partly linear models
SA Hamilton, YK Truong
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 60 (1), 1-19, 1997
Differential involvement of striato-and cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathways in tremor-and akinetic/rigid-predominant Parkinson's disease
MM Lewis, G Du, S Sen, A Kawaguchi, Y Truong, S Lee, RB Mailman, ...
Neuroscience 177, 230-239, 2011
Cotinine concentrations in semen, urine, and blood of smokers and nonsmokers.
MF Vine, BS Hulka, BH Margolin, YK Truong, P Hu, MM Schramm, ...
American Journal of Public Health 83 (9), 1335-1338, 1993
Task specific influences of Parkinson’s disease on the striato-thalamo-cortical and cerebello-thalamo-cortical motor circuitries
MM Lewis, CG Slagle, AB Smith, Y Truong, P Bai, MJ McKeown, ...
Neuroscience 147 (1), 224-235, 2007
Changes in plasma lipid and lipoprotein cholesterol and weight prior to the diagnosis of cancer
SB Kritchevsky, TC Wilcosky, DL Morris, KN Truong, HA Tyroler
Cancer research 51 (12), 3198-3203, 1991
Dynamic changes in cerebello-thalamo-cortical motor circuitry during progression of Parkinson's disease
S Sen, A Kawaguchi, Y Truong, MM Lewis, X Huang
Neuroscience 166 (2), 712-719, 2010
On bandwidth choice for density estimation with dependent data
P Hall, SN Lahiri, YK Truong
The Annals of Statistics 23 (6), 2241-2263, 1995
Asymptotic properties of kernel estimators based on local medians
YK Truong
The Annals of Statistics, 606-617, 1989
Dietary diversity scores can be improved through the use of portion requirements: an analysis in young Filipino children
MC Daniels, LS Adair, BM Popkin, YK Truong
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 63 (2), 199-208, 2009
Nonparametric curve estimation with time series errors
YK Truong
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 28 (2), 167-183, 1991
The L2 Rate of Convergence for Hazard Regression
C Kooperberg, CJ Stone, YK Truong
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 143-157, 1995
Sensitivity of exercise electrocardiography for acute cardiac events during moderate and strenuous physical activity: the Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial
DS Siscovick, LG Ekelund, JL Johnson, Y Truong, A Adler
Archives of Internal Medicine 151 (2), 325-330, 1991
BAFF induces tertiary lymphoid structures and positions T cells within the glomeruli during lupus nephritis
SA Kang, Y Fedoriw, EK Brenneman, YK Truong, K Kikly, BJ Vilen
The Journal of Immunology 198 (7), 2602-2611, 2017
Subcortical brain and behavior phenotypes differentiate infants with autism versus language delay
MR Swanson, MD Shen, JJ Wolff, JT Elison, RW Emerson, MA Styner, ...
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 2 (8), 664-672, 2017
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Articles 1–20