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- Robert SchoelkopfSterling Professor of Applied Physics and Physics, Yale Universityyale.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- michel devoretYale Universityyale.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Luigi frunzioSenior Research Scientist, Yale Universityyale.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Alexandre BlaisProfessor of Physics, Institut quantique, Universite de Sherbrookeusherbrooke.caÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Jay M. GambettaIBM Quantumus.ibm.comÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Allan H. MacDonaldUniversity of Texas Austin, Indiana University, NRC Canada, U of Torontophysics.utexas.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Johannes MajerDivision of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information, University of Science and Technology of Chinaustc.edu.cnÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Andreas WallraffETH Zurichphys.ethz.chÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Andrew HouckProfessor of Electrical Engineering, Princeton Universityprinceton.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- David I. SchusterProfessor of Applied Physics, Stanford Universitystanford.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Liang JiangProfessor, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, The University of Chicagouchicago.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Blake R JohnsonIBM Researchibm.comÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Aashish ClerkUniversity of Chicagouchicago.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Lev BishopResearch Staff, IBM T.J. Watson Research Centerus.ibm.comÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Jerry M. ChowIBM Fellow and Director of Quantum Systems & Runtime Technology, IBM Quantumus.ibm.comÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Florian MarquardtMax Planck Institute for the Science of Light and University of Erlangen-Nurembergmpl.mpg.deÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Shruti PuriAssistant Professor, Applied Physics, Yale Universityyale.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Jens KochProfessor of Physics, Northwestern Universitynorthwestern.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Mazyar Mirrahimiinria.frÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
- Shyam ShankarAssistant Professor, University of Texas at Austinutexas.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Steven M. Girvin
Sterling Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, Yale University
yale.eduÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀÎµÊ - ȨÆäÀÌÁö