Faisal Alasiri
Cited by
Cited by
Selection of the speed command distance for improved performance of a rule-based VSL and lane change control
T Yuan, F Alasiri, PA Ioannou
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (10), 19348-19357, 2022
Comparison of feedback linearization and model predictive techniques for variable speed limit control
Y Zhang, II Sirmatel, F Alasiri, PA Ioannou, N Geroliminis
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2018
Evaluation of integrated variable speed limit and lane change control for highway traffic flow
T Yuan, F Alasiri, Y Zhang, PA Ioannou
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (2), 107-113, 2021
Robust variable speed limit control with respect to uncertainties
F Alasiri, Y Zhang, PA Ioannou
European Journal of Control 59, 216-226, 2021
Per-lane variable speed limit and lane change control for congestion management at bottlenecks
F Alasiri, Y Zhang, PA Ioannou
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023
Integrated traffic simulation-prediction system using neural networks with application to the Los Angeles international airport road network
Y Zhang, AA Papadopoulos, P Chen, F Alasiri, T Yuan, J Zhou, P Ioannou
2022 IEEE 61st conference on decision and control (CDC), 832-837, 2022
Development and Application of Environmentally Friendly Intelligent Transportation System (ECO-ITS) Freight Strategies
K Boriboonsomsin, A Vu, P Hao, Z Wei, D Brown, M Barth, Y Zhang, ...
Robust Design, Analysis and Evaluation of Variable Speed Limit Control in a Connected Environment with Uncertainties: Performance Evaluation and Environmental Benefits
T Yuan, F Alasiri, PA Ioannou
Control of Mainstream Traffic Flow: Variable Speed Limit and Lane Change
FH Alasiri
University of Southern California, 2022
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Articles 1–9