Panagiotis Papantoniou
Panagiotis Papantoniou
Assistant Professor, University of West Attica
uniwa.gr의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Review of driving performance parameters critical for distracted driving research
P Papantoniou, E Papadimitriou, G Yannis
Transportation research procedia 25, 1796-1805, 2017
Impact of texting on young drivers' behavior and safety on urban and rural roads through a simulation experiment
G Yannis, A Laiou, P Papantoniou, C Christoforou
Journal of safety research 49, 25. e1-31, 2014
Assessment of driving simulator studies on driver distraction.
P Papantoniou, E Papadimitriou, G Yannis
Advances in transportation studies, 2015
Which factors lead to driving errors? A structural equation model analysis through a driving simulator experiment
P Papantoniou, G Yannis, E Christofa
IATSS research 43 (1), 44-50, 2019
Evaluating cyclists’ route preferences with respect to infrastructure
M Hardinghaus, P Papantoniou
Sustainability 12 (8), 3375, 2020
Simulation of texting impact on young drivers’ behavior and safety on motorways
G Yannis, A Laiou, P Papantoniou, C Gkartzonikas
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 41, 10-18, 2016
Structural equation model analysis for the evaluation of overall driving performance: A driving simulator study focusing on driver distraction
P Papantoniou
Traffic injury prevention 19 (3), 317-325, 2018
Developing a sustainable mobility action plan for university campuses
P Papantoniou, G Yannis, E Vlahogianni, M Attard, A Regattieri, F Piana, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 48, 1908-1917, 2020
A statistical analysis of the impact of advertising signs on road safety
G Yannis, E Papadimitriou, P Papantoniou, C Voulgari
International journal of injury control and safety promotion 20 (2), 111-120, 2013
Comparative analysis of young drivers behavior in normal and simulation conditions at a rural road
G Yannis, P Papantoniou, M Nikas
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road Safety and …, 2015
Traffic safety basic facts 2012: Cyclists
N Candappa, M Christoph, K van Duijvenvoorde, M Vis, P Thomas, A Kirk, ...
Annual Statistical Report
C Brandstaetter, G Yannis, P Evgenikos, E Argyropoulou, P Papantoniou, ...
Deliverable D3 9, 2012
Comparative assessment of the behaviour of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s disease in different road and traffic conditions
D Pavlou, E Papadimitriou, C Antoniou, P Papantoniou, G Yannis, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 47, 122-131, 2017
Design of a large driving simulator experiment on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases
G Yannis, J Golias, C Antoniou, E Papadimitriou, S Vardaki, ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and …, 2013
Which factors affect accident probability at unexpected incidents? A structural equation model approach
P Papantoniou, C Antoniou, G Yannis, D Pavlou
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 11 (5), 544-561, 2019
Investigating the effect of area type and traffic conditions on distracted driving performance
P Papantoniou, G Yannis, C Antoniou, E Papadimitriou, D Pavlou, ...
Transportation research procedia 14, 3839-3848, 2016
Exploratory analysis of the effect of distraction on driving behaviour through a driving simulator experiment
P Papantoniou, C Antoniou, D Pavlou, E Papadimitriou, G Yannis, ...
Int. J. Transp 5 (1), 35-46, 2017
Distracted driving and mobile phone use: Overview of impacts and countermeasures
G Yannis, E Papadimitriou, P Papantoniou
Commun. Technol. Road Saf, 1-23, 2014
Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012: Pedestrians
JF Pace, MT Tormo, J Sanmartín, P Thomas, A Kirk, L Brown, G Yannis, ...
Self-assessment of older drivers with brain pathologies: reported habits and self-regulation of driving
D Pavlou, P Papantoniou, E Papadimitriou, S Vardaki, A Economou, ...
Journal of Transport & Health 4, 90-98, 2017
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