Robert Sims
Robert Sims
Professor of Mathematics, University of Arizona
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Lieb-Robinson bounds and the exponential clustering theorem
B Nachtergaele, R Sims
Communications in mathematical physics 265, 119-130, 2006
Propagation of correlations in quantum lattice systems
B Nachtergaele, Y Ogata, R Sims
Journal of statistical physics 124, 1-13, 2006
Extended variational principle for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model
M Aizenman, R Sims, SL Starr
Physical Review B 68 (21), 214403, 2003
Automorphic equivalence within gapped phases of quantum lattice systems
S Bachmann, S Michalakis, B Nachtergaele, R Sims
Communications in Mathematical Physics 309, 835--871, 2012
Lieb-Robinson bounds for harmonic and anharmonic lattice systems
B Nachtergaele, H Raz, B Schlein, R Sims
Comm. Math. Phys. 286 (3), 1073-1098, 2007
Lieb-Robinson bounds in quantum many-body physics
B Nachtergaele, R Sims
Contemporary Mathematics 529, 141-176, 2010
Stability of the absolutely continuous spectrum of random Schrödinger operators on tree graphs
M Aizenman, R Sims, S Warzel
Probability theory and related fields 136, 363-394, 2006
Localization for one-dimensional, continuum, Bernoulli-Anderson models
D Damanik, R Sims, G Stolz
Dynamical Localization in Disordered Quantum Spin Systems
E Hamza, R Sims, G Stolz
Commun. Math. Phys. 315, 215-239, 2012
A multi-dimensional Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem
B Nachtergaele, R Sims
Communications in Mathematical Physics 276, 437-472, 2007
Absolutely continuous spectra of quantum tree graphs with weak disorder
M Aizenman, R Sims, S Warzel
Communications in mathematical physics 264 (2), 371-389, 2006
Quasi-locality bounds for quantum lattice systems. I. Lieb-Robinson bounds, quasi-local maps, and spectral flow automorphisms
B Nachtergaele, R Sims, A Young
Journal of Mathematical Physics 60 (6), 2019
Lieb-Robinson bounds, the spectral flow, and stability of the spectral gap for lattice fermion systems
B Nachtergaele, R Sims, A Young
Mathematical Problems in Quantum Physics 717, 93-115, 2018
Locality estimates for quantum spin systems
B Nachtergaele, R Sims
New Trends in Mathematical Physics: Selected contributions of the XVth …, 2009
Mean-field spin glass models from the cavity-ROSt perspective.
M Aizenman, R Sims, SL Starr
Contemporary Mathematics 437 (Prospects in mathematical physics), 1-30, 2007
Localization properties of the disordered XY spin chain. A review of mathematical results with an eye toward many-body localization
H Abdul-Rahman, B Nachtergaele, R Sims, G Stolz
Annalen der Physik, 1600280, 2017
On the existence of the dynamics for anharmonic quantum oscillator systems
B Nachtergaele, B Schlein, R Sims, S Starr, V Zagrebnov
Rev. Math. Phys. 22 (2), 207-231, 2010
Entanglement dynamics of disordered quantum XY chains
H Abdul-Rahman, B Nachtergaele, R Sims, G Stolz
Lett. Math. Phys. 106, 649-674, 2015
Quantum harmonic oscillator systems with disorder
B Nachtergaele, R Sims, G Stolz
J. Stat. Phys. 149 (6), 969-1012, 2012
Much Ado About Something: Why Lieb-Robinson bounds are useful
B Nachtergaele, R Sims
Bulletin for the International Association of Mathematical Physics, 2010
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Articles 1–20