Ivan Vujaklija
Man/machine interface based on the discharge timings of spinal motor neurons after targeted muscle reinnervation
D Farina, I Vujaklija, M Sartori, T Kapelner, F Negro, N Jiang, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 1 (2), 0025, 2017
Intuitive, online, simultaneous, and proportional myoelectric control over two degrees-of-freedom in upper limb amputees
N Jiang, H Rehbaum, I Vujaklija, B Graimann, D Farina
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 22 (3 …, 2013
Is accurate mapping of EMG signals on kinematics needed for precise online myoelectric control?
N Jiang, I Vujaklija, H Rehbaum, B Graimann, D Farina
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 22 (3 …, 2013
New developments in prosthetic arm systems
I Vujaklija, D Farina, OC Aszmann
Orthopedic research and reviews, 31-39, 2016
Toward higher-performance bionic limbs for wider clinical use
D Farina, I Vujaklija, R Brånemark, AMJ Bull, H Dietl, B Graimann, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 7 (4), 473-485, 2023
High-density electromyography and motor skill learning for robust long-term control of a 7-DoF robot arm
M Ison, I Vujaklija, B Whitsell, D Farina, P Artemiadis
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24 (4 …, 2015
Context-dependent upper limb prosthesis control for natural and robust use
S Amsuess, I Vujaklija, P Goebel, AD Roche, B Graimann, OC Aszmann, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24 (7 …, 2015
Translating research on myoelectric control into clinics—Are the performance assessment methods adequate?
I Vujaklija, AD Roche, T Hasenoehrl, A Sturma, S Amsuess, D Farina, ...
Frontiers in neurorobotics 11, 7, 2017
Predicting wrist kinematics from motor unit discharge timings for the control of active prostheses
T Kapelner, I Vujaklija, N Jiang, F Negro, OC Aszmann, J Principe, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 16, 1-11, 2019
3D printed upper limb prosthetics
I Vujaklija, D Farina
Expert review of medical devices 15 (7), 505-512, 2018
Online mapping of EMG signals into kinematics by autoencoding
I Vujaklija, V Shalchyan, EN Kamavuako, N Jiang, HR Marateb, D Farina
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 15, 1-9, 2018
Game-based rehabilitation for myoelectric prosthesis control
C Prahm, I Vujaklija, F Kayali, P Purgathofer, OC Aszmann
JMIR serious games 5 (1), e3, 2017
Peripheral nerve transfers change target muscle structure and function
KD Bergmeister, M Aman, S Muceli, I Vujaklija, K Manzano-Szalai, ...
Science advances 5 (1), eaau2956, 2019
Noninvasive, accurate assessment of the behavior of representative populations of motor units in targeted reinnervated muscles
D Farina, H Rehbaum, A Holobar, I Vujaklija, N Jiang, C Hofer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 22 (4 …, 2014
Clinical perspectives in upper limb prostheses: An update
AD Roche, B Lakey, I Mendez, I Vujaklija, D Farina, OC Aszmann
Current Surgery Reports 7, 1-10, 2019
Online finger control using high-density EMG and minimal training data for robotic applications
M Barsotti, S Dupan, I Vujaklija, S Došen, A Frisoli, D Farina
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (2), 217-223, 2018
Bayesian filtering of surface EMG for accurate simultaneous and proportional prosthetic control
D Hofmann, N Jiang, I Vujaklija, D Farina
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24 (12 …, 2015
Elective amputation and bionic substitution restore functional hand use after critical soft tissue injuries
OC Aszmann, I Vujaklija, AD Roche, S Salminger, M Herceg, A Sturma, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 34960, 2016
Motor unit characteristics after targeted muscle reinnervation
T Kapelner, N Jiang, A Holobar, I Vujaklija, AD Roche, D Farina, ...
PLoS One 11 (2), e0149772, 2016
Increasing motivation, effort and performance through game-based rehabilitation for upper limb myoelectric prosthesis control
C Prahm, F Kayali, I Vujaklija, A Sturma, O Aszmann
2017 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), 1-6, 2017
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