Injung Lee
Cited by
Cited by
Geometrically compensating effect of end-to-end latency in moving-target selection games
I Lee, S Kim, B Lee
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
Futureself: what happens when we forecast self-trackers? Future health statuses?
S Rho, I Lee, H Kim, J Jung, H Kim, BG Jun, Y Lim
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 637-648, 2017
The Expansion of Virtual Landscape in Digital Games Classification of Virtual Landscapes Through Five principles
I Kim, I Lee, JH Lee
CAAD Futures 2017, 567-584, 2017
Automated playtesting with a cognitive model of sensorimotor coordination
I Lee, H Kim, B Lee
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 4920-4929, 2021
Service design of intergeneration home-sharing system using VR-based simulation technology and optimal matching algorithms
T Yi, J Rhim, I Lee, A Narangerel, JH Lee
HCI International 2017–Posters' Extended Abstracts: 19th International …, 2017
Case Representation of Daily Routine Data Through the Function Behavior Structure (FBS) Framework
I Lee, T Yi, J Rhim, A Narangerel, D Shafiei Karaji, JH Lee
HCI International 2017–Posters' Extended Abstracts: 19th International …, 2017
Whether Moving or Not: Modeling and Predicting Error Rates in Pointing Regardless of Target Motion
E Park, H Kim, I Lee, B Lee
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.02973, 2018
Interactive Data Acquisition for CBR System Based Smart Home Assistant
T Yi, I Lee, CS Lee, G Lee, M Kim, JH Lee
Learning, Ptorotyping and Adapting, CAADRIA, 525-534, 2018
Virtual Landscape Classification Standards and Representative Spatial Types in Digital Games
IH Kim, I Lee, JH Lee
Journal of Korea Game Society 16 (6), 19-28, 2016
TED talk recommender using speech transcripts
J Oh, I Lee, Y Seonwoo, S Sung, I Kwon, JG Lee
2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2018
디지털 게임 내 가상경관 분류 기준 확립 및 대표 유형 산출
김익환, 이인정, 이지현
Journal of Korea Game Society 16 (6), 19-28, 2016
게임 내 가상공간 분류 기준 확립 및 대표 유형 산출
IH Kim, I Lee, JH Lee
한국게임학회 2016 추계학술대회, 211-217, 2016
YouSeeMe: The perspective-aware display and its contents
I Lee, Y Jung, K Cho, S Jung
IASDR 2015 Proceedings, 2015
유아용 언어교구 디자인 HearTok 사용자 경험 중심 디자인 방법론 적용및 고찰–
이은립, 이인정, 최유리, 이지현, 원광연
HCI Korea 2015: Interaction of Everything (만사소통), 2014
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Articles 1–14