Sophia Vardaki, PhD
Sophia Vardaki, PhD
Senior Researcher and laboratory teaching staff at the Department of Transportation Planning and
central.ntua.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Investigating the self-reported behavior of drivers and their attitudes to traffic violations
S Vardaki, G Yannis
Journal of safety research 46, 1-11, 2013
Why do drivers exceed speed limits
G Yannis, G Louca, S Vardaki, G Kanellaidis
European Transport Research Review 5, 165-177, 2013
Older Drivers’ Perception and Acceptance of In-Vehicle Devices for Traffic Safety and Traffic Efficiency
GK G. Yannis, C.Antoniou, S.Vardaki
ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 136 (5), 2010
Highway geometric design from the perspective of recent safety developments
G Kanellaidis, S Vardaki
Journal of transportation engineering 137 (12), 841-844, 2011
Road safety audit on a major freeway: implementing safety improvements
S Vardaki, F Papadimitriou, P Kopelias
European Transport Research Review 6, 387-395, 2014
Design of a large driving simulator experiment on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases
G Yannis, J Golias, C Antoniou, E Papadimitriou, S Vardaki, ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and …, 2013
Parameters affecting seat belt use in Greece
G Yannis, A Laiou, S Vardaki, E Papadimitriou, A Dragomanovits, ...
International journal of injury control and safety promotion 18 (3), 189-197, 2011
Assessing Selected Cognitive Impairments Using a Driving Simulator: A Focused Review
SP S. Vardaki, G. Yannis
Advances in Transportation Studies – An International Journal, 2014
An investigation of older driver road safety perceptions and driving performance on freeways
S Vardaki, MG Karlaftis
Advances in Transportation Studies, 7-18, 2011
A statistical analysis of motorcycle helmet wearing in Greece
G Yannis, A Laiou, S Vardaki, E Papadimitriou, A Dragomanovits, ...
Advances in Transportation Studies 27 (1), 69-82, 2012
Simulator measures and identification of older drivers with mild cognitive impairment
S Vardaki, AE Dickerson, I Beratis, G Yannis, SG Papageorgiou
The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 70 (2), 7002270030p1-7002270030p10, 2016
Self-assessment of older drivers with brain pathologies: reported habits and self-regulation of driving
D Pavlou, P Papantoniou, E Papadimitriou, S Vardaki, A Economou, ...
Journal of Transport & Health 4, 90-98, 2017
Exploring the association between working memory and driving performance in Parkinson's disease
S Vardaki, H Devos, I Beratis, G Yannis, SG Papageorgiou
Traffic injury prevention 17 (4), 359-366, 2016
Driving difficulties as reported by older drivers with mild cognitive impairment and without neurological impairment
S Vardaki, AE Dickerson, I Beratis, G Yannis, SG Papageorgiou
Traffic injury prevention 20 (6), 630-635, 2019
Identification of safety hazards on existing road network regarding road—Geometric design: Implementation in Greece
K Apostoleris, S Vardaki, F Mertzanis
Proceedings RSS Conference, 2013
An investigation of older driver actual and perceived behavior on freeways
S Vardaki
Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2008
Addressing education and training needs of road safety auditors
S Vardaki, E Bekiaris, G Kanellaidis
Cogent Engineering 5 (1), 1525814, 2018
Which are the effects of driver distraction and brain pathologies on reaction time and accident risk?
D Pavlou, P Papantoniou, E Papadimitriou, S Vardaki, G Yannis, ...
Advances in Transportation Studies, 2016
A review of stopping sight distance in road design guidelines
N Roussiamanis, A Kaltsounis, S Vardaki, G Kanellaidis
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport 166 (5), 305-312, 2013
Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process model for assessing condition and performance of metro stations
K Kepaptsoglou, I Gkountis, MG Karlaftis, G Mintsis, S Vardaki
Transportation Research Board 91st Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2012
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