Yoshio Kuramoto
Yoshio Kuramoto
cmpt.phys.tohoku.ac.jp의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Self-consistent perturbation theory for dynamics of valence fluctuations: I. Single-site theory
Y Kuramoto
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 53 (1), 37-52, 1983
Multipole orders and fluctuations in strongly correlated electron systems
Y Kuramoto, H Kusunose, A Kiss
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78 (7), 072001, 2009
Possible Octupole Ordering in Phase II of SmRu4P12 Suggested from Elastic Constants
M Yoshizawa, Y Nakanishi, M Oikawa, C Sekine, I Shirotani, S R. Saha, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 74 (8), 2141-2144, 2005
Exactly soluble supersymmetric t-J-type model with long-range exchange and transfer
Y Kuramoto, H Yokoyama
Physical review letters 67 (10), 1338, 1991
Self-consistent perturbation theory for dynamics of valence fluctuations: III. Zero-temperature limit
Y Kuramoto, H Kojima
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 57 (2), 95-105, 1984
Generation of 0.66-TW pulses at 1 kHz by a Ti: sapphire laser
Y Nabekawa, Y Kuramoto, T Togashi, T Sekikawa, S Watanabe
Optics letters 23 (17), 1384-1386, 1998
Self-consistent perturbation theory for dynamics of valence fluctuations: II. Application to Ce systems
H Kojima, Y Kuramoto, M Tachiki
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 54 (4), 293-303, 1984
Analytic results on dynamics of the degenerate Anderson model
Y Kuramoto, E Müller-Hartmann
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 52 (1-4), 122-128, 1985
Two-dimensional excitonic phase in strong magnetic fields
Y Kuramoto, C Horie
Solid State Communications 25 (9), 713-716, 1978
Phonon dispersion relations of graphite
M Maeda, Y Kuramoto, C Horie
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 47 (1), 337-338, 1979
Application of the numerical renormalization group method to the hubbard model in infinite dimensions
O Sakai, Y Kuramoto
Solid state communications 89 (4), 307-311, 1994
Effects of cyclic four-spin exchange on the magnetic properties of the CuO 2 plane
Y Honda, Y Kuramoto, T Watanabe
Physical Review B 47 (17), 11329, 1993
Correlated electron transport through a quantum dot: The multiple-level effect
T Inoshita, A Shimizu, Y Kuramoto, H Sakaki
Physical Review B 48 (19), 14725, 1993
Quantum phenomenology for heavy-fermion systems. I. Formulation of the duality model
Y Kuramoto, K Miyake
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 59 (8), 2831-2840, 1990
Dynamics of heavy electrons
Y Kuramoto, Y Kitaoka
OUP Oxford, 2000
Four-spin interaction as an effective interaction in high-Tc copper oxides
HJ Schmidt, Y Kuramoto
Physica C: Superconductivity 167 (3-4), 263-266, 1990
Continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo method for the Coqblin–Schrieffer model
J Otsuki, H Kusunose, P Werner, Y Kuramoto
journal of the physical society of japan 76 (11), 114707, 2007
Self-consistent dynamical theory for the Anderson lattice
CI Kim, Y Kuramoto, T Kasuya
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 59 (7), 2414-2425, 1990
Evidence for octupole order in Ce0. 7La0. 3B6 from resonant X-ray scattering
H Kusunose, Y Kuramoto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 74 (12), 3139-3142, 2005
High-temperature ferromagnetism in CaB2C2
J Akimitsu, K Takenawa, K Suzuki, H Harima, Y Kuramoto
Science 293 (5532), 1125-1127, 2001
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