Houdou Basse Mama
Houdou Basse Mama
ESCP Business School
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Cited by
Does the EU Emissions Trading System induce investment leakage? Evidence from German multinational firms
N Koch, HB Mama
Energy Economics 81, 479-492, 2019
Investor relations: a comprehensive overview
A Bassen, H Basse Mama, H Ramaj
Journal für Betriebswirtschaft 60, 49-79, 2010
Do investors care about carbon emissions under the European Environmental Policy?
H Basse Mama, R Mandaroux
Business Strategy and the Environment 31 (1), 268-283, 2022
Contagion effects in the electric utility industry following the Fukushima nuclear accident
H Basse Mama, A Bassen
Applied Economics 45 (24), 3421-3430, 2013
Innovative efficiency and stock returns: Should we care about nonlinearity?
HB Mama
Finance Research Letters 24, 81-89, 2018
European climate policy and industrial relocation: Evidence from German multinational firms
N Koch, H Basse Mama
European Climate Policy and Industrial Relocation: Evidence from German …, 2016
Nonlinear capital market payoffs to science-led innovation
HB Mama
Research Policy 47 (6), 1084-1095, 2018
Valuation effects of corporate strategic transactions in the cleantech industry
H Basse-Mama, N Koch, A Bassen, T Bank
Journal of Business Economics 83, 605-630, 2013
How to reinforce the effectiveness of the EU emissions trading system in stimulating low-carbon technological change? Taking stock and future directions
R Mandaroux, K Schindelhauer, HB Mama
Energy Policy 181, 113697, 2023
The interaction between stock prices and corporate investment: is Europe different?
H Basse Mama
Review of Managerial Science 11, 315-351, 2017
What’s in the news? The ambiguity of the information content of index reconstitutions in Germany
H Basse Mama, S Mueller, U Pape
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 49, 1087-1119, 2017
Information dissemination, market efficiency and the joint test issue
HB Mama
BoD–Books on Demand, 2010
Neglected disciplinary effects of investor relations: evidence from corporate cash holdings
H Basse Mama, A Bassen
Journal of Business Economics 87, 221-261, 2017
Investor relations' quality and mispricing
H Basse Mama, R Kotchoni
HAL, 2017
Value Consequences of Corporate Environmental Innovation
HB Mama, J Fouquau
Implications for investor portfolio choice of salience shifts regarding geopolitical risks and sustainability issues
HB Mama
Geopolitics and Global Business Impact, 182, 0
Nonlinear Financial Payoffs to Corporate Sustainability
HB Mama, J Fouquau
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Articles 1–17