Lijie Huang
Lijie Huang
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Brain structure links trait creativity to openness to experience
W Li, X Li, L Huang, X Kong, W Yang, D Wei, J Li, H Cheng, Q Zhang, ...
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 10 (2), 191-198, 2015
Quantifying interindividual variability and asymmetry of face-selective regions: a probabilistic functional atlas
Z Zhen, Z Yang, L Huang, X Kong, X Wang, X Dang, Y Huang, Y Song, ...
Neuroimage 113, 13-25, 2015
Measuring individual morphological relationship of cortical regions
X Kong, X Wang, L Huang, Y Pu, Z Yang, X Dang, Z Zhen, J Liu
Journal of neuroscience methods 237, 103-107, 2014
Mapping individual brain networks using statistical similarity in regional morphology from MRI
X Kong, Z Liu, L Huang, X Wang, Z Yang, G Zhou, Z Zhen, J Liu
PloS one 10 (11), e0141840, 2015
The hierarchical structure of the face network revealed by its functional connectivity pattern
X Wang, Z Zhen, Y Song, L Huang, X Kong, J Liu
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (3), 890-900, 2016
Individual differences in cortical face selectivity predict behavioral performance in face recognition
L Huang, Y Song, J Li, Z Zhen, Z Yang, J Liu
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 483, 2014
Sex-related neuroanatomical basis of emotion regulation ability
F Kong, Z Zhen, J Li, L Huang, X Wang, Y Song, J Liu
PloS one 9 (5), e97071, 2014
Quantifying the variability of scene‐selective regions: Interindividual, interhemispheric, and sex differences
Z Zhen, XZ Kong, L Huang, Z Yang, X Wang, X Hao, T Huang, Y Song, ...
Human Brain Mapping 38 (4), 2260-2275, 2017
The aesthetic preference for symmetry dissociates from early-emerging attention to symmetry
Y Huang, X Xue, E Spelke, L Huang, W Zheng, K Peng
Scientific reports 8 (1), 6263, 2018
Human navigation network: the intrinsic functional organization and behavioral relevance
XZ Kong, X Wang, Y Pu, L Huang, X Hao, Z Zhen, J Liu
Brain Structure and Function 222, 749-764, 2017
Neural correlates of biased responses: The negative method effect in the Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale is associated with right amygdala volume
Y Wang, F Kong, L Huang, J Liu
Journal of Personality 84 (5), 623-632, 2016
Dissociated neural basis of two behavioral hallmarks of holistic face processing: The whole-part effect and composite-face effect
J Li, L Huang, Y Song, J Liu
Neuropsychologia 102, 52-60, 2017
A test-retest dataset for assessing long-term reliability of brain morphology and resting-state brain activity
L Huang, T Huang, Z Zhen, J Liu
Scientific Data 3 (1), 1-9, 2016
Neural univariate activity and multivariate pattern in the posterior superior temporal sulcus differentially encode facial expression and identity
Z Yang, Z Zhen, L Huang, X Kong, X Wang, Y Song, J Liu
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 23427, 2016
COMT-Polymorphisms Modulated Functional Profile of the Fusiform Face Area Contributes to Face-Specific Recognition Ability
C Wu, Z Zhen, L Huang, T Huang, J Liu
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 2134, 2020
A multi-atlas labeling approach for identifying subject-specific functional regions of interest
L Huang, G Zhou, Z Liu, X Dang, Z Yang, XZ Kong, X Wang, Y Song, ...
Plos one 11 (1), e0146868, 2016
A multi-atlas approach for defining subject-specific functional regions of interest
L Huang, X Dang, Z Zhen, J Liu
Network-based Brain-Behavior Associations Studies with Functionally Meaningful Nodes
X Kong, Y Pu, X Wang, L Huang, X Hao, Z Zhen, J Liu
the 21st annual meeting of the organization for human brain mapping (OHBM), 2015
FreeROI: an integrated toolbox for region of interest definition and visualization
L Huang, Z Yang, G Zhou, Z Liu, X Dang, X Kong, X Wang, Z Zhen, J Liu
The 17th National Academic Congress of Psychology (China), 2014
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Articles 1–19