Meng Cui
Cited by
Cited by
Implementation of a digital optical phase conjugation system and its application to study the robustness of turbidity suppression by phase conjugation
M Cui, C Yang
Optics express 18 (4), 3444-3455, 2010
Fluorescence imaging beyond the ballistic regime by ultrasound-pulse-guided digital phase conjugation
K Si, R Fiolka, M Cui
Nature photonics 6 (10), 657-661, 2012
Superpenetration optical microscopy by iterative multiphoton adaptive compensation technique
J Tang, RN Germain, M Cui
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (22), 8434-8439, 2012
Digital optical phase conjugation of fluorescence in turbid tissue
IM Vellekoop, M Cui, C Yang
Applied physics letters 101 (8), 2012
Continuous volumetric imaging via an optical phase-locked ultrasound lens
L Kong, J Tang, JP Little, Y Yu, T Lämmermann, CP Lin, RN Germain, ...
Nature methods 12 (8), 759-762, 2015
High-resolution in vivo imaging of mouse brain through the intact skull
JH Park, W Sun, M Cui
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (30), 9236-9241, 2015
Parallel wavefront optimization method for focusing light through random scattering media
M Cui
Optics letters 36 (6), 870-872, 2011
Roadmap on wavefront shaping and deep imaging in complex media
S Gigan, O Katz, HB De Aguiar, ER Andresen, A Aubry, J Bertolotti, ...
Journal of Physics: Photonics 4 (4), 042501, 2022
Large-field-of-view imaging by multi-pupil adaptive optics
JH Park, L Kong, Y Zhou, M Cui
Nature methods 14 (6), 581-583, 2017
An in vivo study of turbidity suppression by optical phase conjugation (TSOPC) on rabbit ear
M Cui, EJ McDowell, C Yang
Optics express 18 (1), 25-30, 2009
Breaking the spatial resolution barrier via iterative sound-light interaction in deep tissue microscopy
K Si, R Fiolka, M Cui
Scientific reports 2 (1), 748, 2012
Interferometric Fourier transform coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
M Cui, M Joffre, J Skodack, JP Ogilvie
Optics Express 14 (18), 8448-8458, 2006
A high speed wavefront determination method based on spatial frequency modulations for focusing light through random scattering media
M Cui
Optics express 19 (4), 2989-2995, 2011
Comparing coherent and spontaneous Raman scattering under biological imaging conditions
M Cui, BR Bachler, JP Ogilvie
Optics letters 34 (6), 773-775, 2009
Complex wavefront corrections for deep tissue focusing using low coherence backscattered light
R Fiolka, K Si, M Cui
Optics Express 20 (15), 16532-16543, 2012
Turbidity suppression from the ballistic to the diffusive regime in biological tissues using optical phase conjugation
EJ McDowell, M Cui, IM Vellekoop, V Senekerimyan, Z Yaqoob, C Yang
Journal of biomedical optics 15 (2), 025004-025004-11, 2010
Turbidity suppression by optical phase conjugation using a spatial light modulator
C Yang, M Cui
US Patent 8,717,574, 2014
Acoustic assisted phase conjugate optical tomography
C Yang, C DiMarzio, M Cui, YM Wang
US Patent 8,450,674, 2013
Phase resolved interferometric spectral modulation (PRISM) for ultrafast pulse measurement and compression
T Wu, J Tang, B Hajj, M Cui
Optics Express 19 (14), 12961-12968, 2011
In vivo fluorescence microscopy via iterative multi-photon adaptive compensation technique
L Kong, M Cui
Optics express 22 (20), 23786-23794, 2014
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Articles 1–20