Chao-Ming Jian
Chao-Ming Jian
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Cornell University
cornell.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Spin-orbit coupled spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
C Wang, C Gao, CM Jian, H Zhai
Physical review letters 105 (16), 160403, 2010
Measurement-induced criticality in random quantum circuits
CM Jian, YZ You, R Vasseur, AWW Ludwig
Physical Review B 101 (10), 104302, 2020
Twist defects and projective non-Abelian braiding statistics
M Barkeshli, CM Jian, XL Qi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (4), 045130, 2013
Strongly correlated metal built from sachdev-ye-kitaev models
XY Song, CM Jian, L Balents
Physical review letters 119 (21), 216601, 2017
Theory of defects in Abelian topological states
M Barkeshli, CM Jian, XL Qi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (23), 235103, 2013
Classification of topological defects in Abelian topological states
M Barkeshli, CM Jian, XL Qi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (24), 241103, 2013
Instability of the non-Fermi-liquid state of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model
Z Bi, CM Jian, YZ You, KA Pawlak, C Xu
Physical Review B 95 (20), 205105, 2017
Reflection and time reversal symmetry enriched topological phases of matter: path integrals, non-orientable manifolds, and anomalies
M Barkeshli, P Bonderson, M Cheng, CM Jian, K Walker
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1-104, 2016
Layer construction of 3D topological states and string braiding statistics
CM Jian, XL Qi
Physical Review X 4 (4), 041043, 2014
Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem and its generalizations from the perspective of the symmetry-protected topological phase
CM Jian, Z Bi, C Xu
Physical Review B 97 (5), 054412, 2018
Lattice Homotopy Constraints on Phases of Quantum Magnets
HC Po, H Watanabe, CM Jian, MP Zaletel
Physical review letters 119 (12), 127202, 2017
Paired superfluidity and fractionalized vortices in systems of spin-orbit coupled bosons
CM Jian, H Zhai
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (6), 060508, 2011
Criticality and entanglement in nonunitary quantum circuits and tensor networks of noninteracting fermions
CM Jian, B Bauer, A Keselman, AWW Ludwig
Physical Review B 106 (13), 134206, 2022
Superdensity operators for spacetime quantum mechanics
J Cotler, CM Jian, XL Qi, F Wilczek
Journal of High Energy Physics 2018 (9), 93, 2018
Synthetic non-Abelian statistics by Abelian anyon condensation
YZ You, CM Jian, XG Wen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (4), 045106, 2013
Quantum Criticality Under Decoherence or Weak Measurement
JY Lee, CM Jian, C Xu
PRX Quantum 4, 030317, 2023
Coupled-wire description of the correlated physics in twisted bilayer graphene
XC Wu, CM Jian, C Xu
Physical Review B 99 (16), 161405, 2019
Model for continuous thermal metal to insulator transition
CM Jian, Z Bi, C Xu
Physical Review B 96 (11), 115122, 2017
Quantum simulation of the non-fermi-liquid state of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model
Z Luo, YZ You, J Li, CM Jian, D Lu, C Xu, B Zeng, R Laflamme
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 7, 2019
Universal features of higher-form symmetries at phase transitions
XC Wu, CM Jian, C Xu
SciPost Physics 11, 033, 2021
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