Phan Tu Vuong
Phan Tu Vuong
Associate Professor, University of Southampton, UK
soton.ac.uk의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Creation and analysis of biochemical constraint-based models using the COBRA Toolbox v. 3.0
L Heirendt, S Arreckx, T Pfau, SN Mendoza, A Richelle, A Heinken, ...
Nature protocols 14 (3), 639-702, 2019
The forward–backward–forward method from continuous and discrete perspective for pseudo-monotone variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces
RI Boţ, ER Csetnek, PT Vuong
European Journal of Operational Research 287 (1), 49-60, 2020
On the weak convergence of the extragradient method for solving pseudo-monotone variational inequalities
PT Vuong
Journal of optimization theory and applications 176 (2), 399-409, 2018
Convergence of an extragradient-type method for variational inequality with applications to optimal control problems
PT Vuong, Y Shehu
Numerical Algorithms 81 (1), 269-291, 2019
Modified projection method for strongly pseudomonotone variational inequalities
PD Khanh, PT Vuong
Journal of Global Optimization 58 (2), 341-350, 2014
Extragradient methods and linesearch algorithms for solving Ky Fan inequalities and fixed point problems
PT Vuong, JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 155 (2), 605-627, 2012
Accelerating the DC algorithm for smooth functions
FJ Aragón Artacho, RMT Fleming, PT Vuong
Mathematical programming 169, 95-118, 2018
On extragradient-viscosity methods for solving equilibrium and fixed point problems in a Hilbert space
PT Vuong, JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen
Optimization 64 (2), 429-451, 2015
An inertial extrapolation method for convex simple bilevel optimization
Y Shehu, PT Vuong, A Zemkoho
Optimization Methods and Software 36 (1), 1-19, 2021
Modified Tseng's extragradient methods for solving pseudo-monotone variational inequalities
DV Thong, PT Vuong
Optimization, 2019
The Boosted Difference of Convex Functions Algorithm for Nonsmooth Functions
FJ Aragón Artacho, PT Vuong
SIAM Journal on Optimization 30 (1), 980-1006, 2020
Qualitative properties of strongly pseudomonotone variational inequalities
DS Kim, PT Vuong, PD Khanh
Optimization Letters 10, 1669-1679, 2016
A class of shrinking projection extragradient methods for solving non-monotone equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces
JJ Strodiot, PT Vuong, TTV Nguyen
Journal of Global Optimization 64 (1), 159-178, 2016
Minibatch Forward-Backward-Forward Methods for Solving Stochastic Variational Inequalities
RI Boţ, P Mertikopoulos, M Staudigl, PT Vuong
Stochastic Systems, 2021
Local convergence of the Levenberg–Marquardt method under Hölder metric subregularity
M Ahookhosh, FJ Aragón Artacho, RMT Fleming, PT Vuong
Advances in Computational Mathematics 45, 2771-2806, 2019
On the convergence of the gradient projection method for convex optimal control problems with bang–bang solutions
J Preininger, PT Vuong
Computational Optimization and Applications 70, 221-238, 2018
On the global exponential stability of a projected dynamical system for strongly pseudomonotone variational inequalities
NTT Ha, JJ Strodiot, PT Vuong
Optimization Letters 12, 1625-1638, 2018
A relaxed inertial forward-backward-forward algorithm for solving monotone inclusions with application to GANs
RI Bot, M Sedlmayer, PT Vuong
Journal of Machine Learning Research 24, 2023
A self-adaptive projection method with an inertial technique for split feasibility problems in Banach spaces with applications to image restoration problems
Y Shehu, PT Vuong, P Cholamjiak
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 21, 1-24, 2019
A dynamical system for strongly pseudo-monotone equilibrium problems
PT Vuong, JJ Strodiot
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 185 (3), 767-784, 2020
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