Michael T. McManus
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Cited by
Integrative analysis of 111 reference human epigenomes
A Kundaje, W Meuleman, J Ernst, M Bilenky, A Yen, A Heravi-Moussavi, ...
Nature 518 (7539), 317-330, 2015
Gene silencing in mammals by small interfering RNAs
MT McManus, PA Sharp
Nature reviews genetics 3 (10), 737-747, 2002
A lentivirus-based system to functionally silence genes in primary mammalian cells, stem cells and transgenic mice by RNA interference
DA Rubinson, CP Dillon, AV Kwiatkowski, C Sievers, L Yang, J Kopinja, ...
Nature genetics 33 (3), 401-406, 2003
Dysregulation of cardiogenesis, cardiac conduction, and cell cycle in mice lacking miRNA-1-2
Y Zhao, JF Ransom, A Li, V Vedantham, M von Drehle, AN Muth, ...
Cell 129 (2), 303-317, 2007
Drug-tolerant persister cancer cells are vulnerable to GPX4 inhibition
MJ Hangauer, VS Viswanathan, MJ Ryan, D Bole, JK Eaton, A Matov, ...
Nature 551 (7679), 247-250, 2017
TAZ, a transcriptional modulator of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation
JH Hong, ES Hwang, MT McManus, A Amsterdam, Y Tian, R Kalmukova, ...
Science 309 (5737), 1074-1078, 2005
Pervasive transcription of the human genome produces thousands of previously unidentified long intergenic noncoding RNAs
MJ Hangauer, IW Vaughn, MT McManus
PLoS genetics 9 (6), e1003569, 2013
The RNaseIII enzyme Dicer is required for morphogenesis but not patterning of the vertebrate limb
BD Harfe, MT McManus, JH Mansfield, E Hornstein, CJ Tabin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (31), 10898-10903, 2005
RNA interference of influenza virus production by directly targeting mRNA for degradation and indirectly inhibiting all viral RNA transcription
Q Ge, MT McManus, T Nguyen, CH Shen, PA Sharp, HN Eisen, J Chen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (5), 2718-2723, 2003
Cre-lox-regulated conditional RNA interference from transgenes
A Ventura, A Meissner, CP Dillon, M McManus, PA Sharp, L Van Parijs, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (28), 10380-10385, 2004
IRE1α cleaves select microRNAs during ER stress to derepress translation of proapoptotic Caspase-2
JP Upton, L Wang, D Han, ES Wang, NE Huskey, L Lim, M Truitt, ...
Science 338 (6108), 818-822, 2012
Selective miRNA disruption in T reg cells leads to uncontrolled autoimmunity
X Zhou, LT Jeker, BT Fife, S Zhu, MS Anderson, MT McManus, ...
The Journal of experimental medicine 205 (9), 1983-1991, 2008
Choosing the right tool for the job: RNAi, TALEN, or CRISPR
M Boettcher, MT McManus
Molecular cell 58 (4), 575-585, 2015
Dicer1 and miR-219 Are required for normal oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination
JC Dugas, TL Cuellar, A Scholze, B Ason, A Ibrahim, B Emery, ...
Neuron 65 (5), 597-611, 2010
Chd1 regulates open chromatin and pluripotency of embryonic stem cells
A Gaspar-Maia, A Alajem, F Polesso, R Sridharan, MJ Mason, ...
nature 460 (7257), 863-868, 2009
Gene silencing using micro-RNA designed hairpins
MT McManus, CP Petersen, BB Haines, J Chen, PA Sharp
Rna 8 (6), 842-850, 2002
Conditional loss of Dicer disrupts cellular and tissue morphogenesis in the cortex and hippocampus
TH Davis, TL Cuellar, SM Koch, AJ Barker, BD Harfe, MT McManus, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (17), 4322-4330, 2008
MicroRNA-responsive'sensor'transgenes uncover Hox-like and other developmentally regulated patterns of vertebrate microRNA expression
JH Mansfield, BD Harfe, R Nissen, J Obenauer, J Srineel, A Chaudhuri, ...
Nature genetics 36 (10), 1079-1083, 2004
The microRNA miR-196 acts upstream of Hoxb8 and Shh in limb development
E Hornstein, JH Mansfield, S Yekta, JKH Hu, BD Harfe, MT McManus, ...
Nature 438 (7068), 671-674, 2005
MicroRNAs and cancer
MT McManus
Seminars in cancer biology 13 (4), 253-258, 2003
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Articles 1–20