Mauricio Palmeira
Mauricio Palmeira
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Free offer≠ cheap product: A selective accessibility account on the valuation of free offers
MM Palmeira, J Srivastava
Journal of Consumer Research 40 (4), 644-656, 2013
Two-tier store brands: the benefic impact of a value brand on perceptions of a premium brand
MM Palmeira, D Thomas
Journal of Retailing 87 (4), 540-548, 2011
The zero-comparison effect
MM Palmeira
Journal of Consumer Research 38 (1), 16-26, 2011
Consumer reactions to professionals who use decision aids
M Palmeira, G Spassova
European Journal of Marketing 49 (3/4), 302-326, 2015
Abstract language signals power, but also lack of action orientation
M Palmeira
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 61, 59-63, 2015
Framing as status or benefits? Consumers’ reactions to hierarchical loyalty program communication
M Palmeira, N Pontes, D Thomas, S Krishnan
European Journal of Marketing 50 (3/4), 488-508, 2016
Other-serving bias in advice-taking: When advisors receive more credit than blame
M Palmeira, G Spassova, HT Keh
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 130, 13-25, 2015
The impact of service failure and recovery on target and observing customers: a comparative study
SS Sharifi, M Palmeira, J Ma, G Spassova
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 26 (8), 889-910, 2017
Customers' reactions to technological products: The impact of implicit theories of intelligence
SS Sharifi, M Palmeira
Computers in Human Behavior 77, 309-316, 2017
Brand expertise and perceived consistency reversals on vertical line extensions: The moderating role of extension direction
N Pontes, M Palmeira, C Jevons
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 34, 209-218, 2017
Political ideology moderates consumer response to brand crisis apologies for data breaches
EY Chan, M Palmeira
Computers in human behavior 121, 106801, 2021
The interplay of products from the same product line: the role of brand reputation
M Palmeira
European Journal of Marketing 48 (9/10), 1648-1663, 2014
Impact of vertical line extensions on brand attitudes and new extensions: The roles of judgment focus, comparative set and positioning
M Palmeira, J Lei, A Valenzuela
European Journal of Marketing 53 (2), 299-319, 2019
The interplay of micro-transaction type and amount of playing in video game evaluations
M Palmeira
Computers in Human Behavior 115, 106609, 2021
You’re not yelping your case: the unexpected social consequences of word of mouth
M Palmeira, G Spassova, J Quoidbach
European Journal of Marketing 54 (2), 419-447, 2020
An unintended consequence of product upgrades: How upgrades can make current consumers feel left behind
W Jung, J Peck, M Palmeira, K Kim
Journal of Marketing Research 59 (5), 1019-1039, 2022
Advice in the presence of external cues: The impact of conflicting judgments on perceptions of expertise
M Palmeira
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 156, 82-96, 2020
Criteria instability and the isolated option effect
MM Palmeira, HS Krishnan
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 106 (2), 153-167, 2008
The timing of help: Receiving help toward the end (vs. beginning) undermines psychological ownership and subjective well-being.
M Koo, S Jung, M Palmeira, K Kim
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 124 (4), 772, 2023
Minority group favoritism in service encounters
M Palmeira, S Sharifi
European Journal of Marketing 54 (8), 1937-1962, 2020
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