Dohyung Kee
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LUBA: an assessment technique for postural loading on the upper body based on joint motion discomfort and maximum holding time
D Kee, W Karwowski
Applied ergonomics 32 (4), 357-366, 2001
A comparison of three observational techniques for assessing postural loads in industry
D Kee, W Karwowski
International Journal of Occupational safety and ergonomics 13 (1), 3-14, 2007
Musculoskeletal disorders among nursing personnel in Korea
D Kee, SR Seo
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 37 (3), 207-212, 2007
Fundamentals and assessment tools for occupational ergonomics
WS Marras, W Karwowski
Crc Press, 2006
Upper body reach posture prediction for ergonomic evaluation models
ES Jung, D Kee, MK Chung
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 16 (2), 95-107, 1995
Relationships between subjective and objective measures in assessing postural stresses
D Kee, I Lee
Applied Ergonomics 43 (2), 277-282, 2012
Systematic comparison of OWAS, RULA, and REBA based on a literature review
D Kee
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (1), 595, 2022
The boundaries for joint angles of isocomfort for sitting and standing males based on perceived comfort of static joint postures
D Kee, W Karwowski
Ergonomics 44 (6), 614-648, 2001
Comparison of OWAS, RULA and REBA for assessing potential work-related musculoskeletal disorders
D Kee
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 83, 103140, 2021
A systemic analysis of South Korea Sewol ferry accident–Striking a balance between learning and accountability
D Kee, GT Jun, P Waterson, R Haslam
Applied ergonomics 59, 504-516, 2017
Quantitative postural load assessment for whole body manual tasks based on perceived discomfort
MK Chung, I Lee, D Kee
Ergonomics 48 (5), 492-505, 2005
Ranking systems for evaluation of joint and joint motion stressfulness based on perceived discomforts
D Kee, W Karwowski
Applied ergonomics 34 (2), 167-176, 2003
Assessment of postural load for lower limb postures based on perceived discomfort
MK Chung, I Lee, D Kee
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 31 (1), 17-32, 2003
Evaluation of lifting tasks frequently performed during fire brick manufacturing processes using NIOSH lifting equations
MK Chung, D Kee
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (4), 423-433, 2000
A postural workload evaluation system based on a macro‐postural classification
MK Chung, I Lee, D Kee, SH Kim
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 12 (3 …, 2002
Comparison of the Ovako working posture analysis system, rapid upper limb assessment, and rapid entire body assessment based on the maximum holding times
D Kee, S Na, MK Chung
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 77, 102943, 2020
An empirical comparison of OWAS, RULA and REBA based on self-reported discomfort
D Kee
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 26 (2), 285-295, 2020
An ergonomic intervention to relieve musculoskeletal symptoms of assembly line workers at an electronic parts manufacturer in Iran
H Daneshmandi, D Kee, M Kamalinia, M Oliaei, H Mohammadi
Work 61 (4), 515-521, 2019
Effect of stool height and holding time on postural load of squatting postures
MK Chung, I Lee, D Kee
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 32 (5), 309-317, 2003
Reach posture prediction of upper limb for ergonomic workspace evaluation
ES Jung, D Kee, MK Chung
Proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting 36 (10), 702-706, 1992
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Articles 1–20