Jack Snoeyink
Jack Snoeyink
Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill
cs.unc.edu의 이메일 확인됨
MolProbity: all-atom contacts and structure validation for proteins and nucleic acids
IW Davis, A Leaver-Fay, VB Chen, JN Block, GJ Kapral, X Wang, ...
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl_2), W375-W383, 2007
MolProbity: more and better reference data for improved all‐atom structure validation
CJ Williams, JJ Headd, NW Moriarty, MG Prisant, LL Videau, LN Deis, ...
Protein Science 27 (1), 293-315, 2018
Computing contour trees in all dimensions
H Carr, J Snoeyink, U Axen
Computational Geometry 24 (2), 75-94, 2003
Speeding up the Douglas-Peucker line-simplification algorithm
JE Hershberger, J Snoeyink
University of British Columbia, Department of Computer Science 1, 134-143, 1992
Simplifying flexible isosurfaces using local geometric measures
H Carr, J Snoeyink, M Van De Panne
IEEE Visualization 2004, 497-504, 2004
Combined covalent-electrostatic model of hydrogen bonding improves structure prediction with Rosetta
MJ O’Meara, A Leaver-Fay, MD Tyka, A Stein, K Houlihan, F DiMaio, ...
Journal of chemical theory and computation 11 (2), 609-622, 2015
Computing minimum length paths of a given homotopy class
J Hershberger, J Snoeyink
Computational geometry 4 (2), 63-97, 1994
Scientific benchmarks for guiding macromolecular energy function improvement
A Leaver-Fay, MJ O'meara, M Tyka, R Jacak, Y Song, EH Kellogg, ...
Methods in enzymology 523, 109-143, 2013
Streaming computation of Delaunay triangulations
M Isenburg, Y Liu, J Shewchuk, J Snoeyink
ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Papers, 1049-1056, 2006
Ray shooting in polygons using geodesic triangulations
B Chazelle, H Edelsbrunner, M Grigni, L Guibas, J Hershberger, M Sharir, ...
Algorithmica 12 (1), 54-68, 1994
Face Fixer: Compressing polygon meshes with properties
M Isenburg, J Snoeyink
Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 2000
Centralized path planning for multiple robots: Optimal decoupling into sequential plans.
J van Den Berg, J Snoeyink, MC Lin, D Manocha
Robotics: Science and systems 2 (2.5), 2.3, 2009
Approximating polygons and subdivisions with minimum-link paths
LJ Guibas, JE Hershberger, JSB Mitchell, JS Snoeyink
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 3 (04), 383-415, 1993
Mining protein family specific residue packing patterns from protein structure graphs
J Huan, W Wang, D Bandyopadhyay, J Snoeyink, J Prins, A Tropsha
Proceedings of the eighth annual international conference on Research in …, 2004
Finding the medial axis of a simple polygon in linear time
F Chin, J Snoeyink, CA Wang
Discrete & Computational Geometry 21, 405-420, 1999
Large mesh simplification using processing sequences
M Isenburg, P Lindstrom, S Gumhold, J Snoeyink
IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003., 465-472, 2003
Finding the medial axis of a simple polygon in linear time
F Chin, J Snoeyink, CA Wang
Algorithms and Computations: 6th International Symposium, ISAAC'95 Cairns …, 1995
A lower bound for multicast key distribution
J Snoeyink, S Suri, G Varghese
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2001. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2001
Kinetic collision detection for simple polygons
D Kirkpatrick, J Snoeyink, B Speckmann
Proceedings of the sixteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 322-330, 2000
Time-varying Reeb graphs for continuous space-time data
H Edelsbrunner, J Harer, A Mascarenhas, V Pascucci
Proceedings of the twentieth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 366-372, 2004
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