Tariq Rahim, Ph.D.
Tariq Rahim, Ph.D.
Lecturer | Assistant Professor @ Kingston University London
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Cited by
A survey on contemporary computer-aided tumor, polyp, and ulcer detection methods in wireless capsule endoscopy imaging
T Rahim, MA Usman, SY Shin
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 85, 101767, 2020
A Blockchain-Based Artificial Intelligence Empowered Contagious Pandemic Situation Supervision Scheme Using Internet of Drone Things
A Islam, R Tariq, M Masuduzzaman, SY Shin
IEEE Wireless Communications, 2021
Reinforcement learning based resource management for fog computing environment: Literature review, challenges, and open issues
H Tran-Dang, S Bhardwaj, T Rahim, A Musaddiq, DS Kim
Journal of Communications and Networks 24 (1), 83-98, 2022
A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for the Detection of Polyp Inside Colonoscopy Images
R Tariq, SA Hassan, SY Shin
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2021
ChildAR: an augmented reality-based interactive game for assisting children in their education
SA Hassan, T Rahim, SY Shin
Universal Access in the Information Society 21 (2), 545-556, 2022
Real-time uav detection based on deep learning network
SA Hassan, T Rahim, SY Shin
2019 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2019
An Improved Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Autonomous Road Inspection Scheme Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
H Syed Ali, R Tariq, S Soo Young
Electronics 10, 2021
An objective assessment method based on multi-level factors for panoramic videos
S Yang, J Zhao, T Jiang, J Wang, T Rahim, B Zhang, Z Xu, Z Fei
2017 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 1-4, 2017
Detection of Faults in Solar Panels Using Deep Learning
H Seung Heon, R Tariq, S Soo Young
IEEE, International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication …, 2021
Uxv-based deep-learning-integrated automated and secure garbage management scheme using blockchain
M Masuduzzaman, T Rahim, A Islam, SY Shin
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (8), 6779-6793, 2022
Improved CNN-Based Path Planning for Stairs Climbing in Autonomous UAV with LiDAR Sensor
C Yeon Ji, R Tariq, R I.N, S Soo Young
IEEE, International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication …, 2021
Compressed medical imaging based on average sparsity model and reweighted analysis of multiple basis pursuit
T Rahim, L Novamizanti, INA Ramatryana, SY Shin
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 90, 101927, 2021
Blockchain-assisted uav-employed casualty detection scheme in search and rescue mission in the internet of battlefield things
M Masuduzzaman, A Islam, T Rahim, SY Shin
2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2020
Exploiting de-noising convolutional neural networks DnCNNs for an efficient watermarking scheme: a case for information retrieval
T Rahim, S Khan, MA Usman, SY Shin
IETE Technical Review 38 (2), 245-255, 2021
Total Variant Based Average Sparsity Model with Reweighted Analysis for Compressive Sensing of Computed Tomography
R Tariq, N Ledya, R I.N, SY Shin, DS Kim
IEEE Access, 2021
An advanced machine learning approach for high accuracy automated diagnosis of otitis media with effusion in different age groups using 3D wideband acoustic immittance
EM Grais, L Nie, B Zou, X Wang, T Rahim, J Sun, S Li, J Wang, W Jiang, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 87, 105525, 2024
Comparing H. 265/HEVC and VP9: Impact of high frame rates on the perceptual quality of compressed videos
T Rahim, MA Usman, SY Shin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.02671, 2020
RGB-Based Compressed Medical Imaging Using Sparsity Averaging Reweighted Analysis for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images
M Rita, R Tariq, P I, Putu Agus Eka, N Ledya, R I.N, R Aamir Younas, ...
IEEE Access 9, 147091 - 147101, 2021
Subjective Evaluation of Ultra-high Definition (UHD) Videos.
SYS Tariq Rahim
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems 14 (6), 15, 2020
Basis pursuit with sparsity averaging for compressive sampling of iris images
T Rahim, R Magdalena, IPAE Pratama, L Novamizanti, INA Ramatryana, ...
IEEE Access 10, 13728-13737, 2022
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Articles 1–20