Shahid Abbas Haider
Shahid Abbas Haider
Computer Vision Programmer, BC Cancer Agency
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Cited by
Fluorescence microscopy image noise reduction using a stochastically-connected random field model
SA Haider, A Cameron, P Siva, D Lui, MJ Shafiee, A Boroomand, ...
Scientific reports 6, 20640, 2016
Apparent Ultra-High b-Value Diffusion-Weighted Image Reconstruction via Hidden Conditional Random Fields.
MJ Shafiee, SA Haider, A Wong, D Lui, A Cameron, A Modhafar, ...
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 34 (5), 1111-1124, 2015
Multispectral stereoscopic imaging device: Simultaneous multiview imaging from the visible to the near-infrared
F Kazemzadeh, SA Haider, C Scharfenberger, A Wong, DA Clausi
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 63 (7), 1871-1873, 2014
Enhanced classification of malignant melanoma lesions via the integration of physiological features from dermatological photographs
S Haider, D Cho, R Amelard, A Wong, DA Clausi
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual …, 2014
Imaging system and method for concurrent multiview multispectral polarimetric light-field high dynamic range imaging
F Kazemzadeh, ASL Wong, SA Haider
US Patent App. 14/840,013, 2016
Single-click, semi-automatic lung nodule contouring using hierarchical conditional random fields
SA Haider, MJ Shafiee, A Chung, F Khalvati, A Oikonomou, A Wong, ...
Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on, 1139-1142, 2015
Physiological characterization of skin lesion using non-linear random forest regression model
DS Cho, S Haider, R Amelard, A Wong, D Clausi
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual …, 2014
Spatio-temporal saliency detection using abstracted fully-connected graphical models
AH Karimi, MJ Shafiee, C Scharfenberger, I BenDaya, S Haider, ...
Image Processing (ICIP), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, 694-698, 2016
Quantitative features for computer-aided melanoma classification using spatial heterogeneity of eumelanin and pheomelanin concentrations
DS Cho, S Haider, R Amelard, A Wong, DA Clausi
Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on, 59-62, 2015
Multi-polarimetric textural distinctiveness for outdoor robotic saliency detection
SA Haider, C Scharfenberger, F Kazemzadeh, A Wong, DA Clausi
Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXXII: Algorithms and Techniques 9406 …, 2015
Multispectral digital holographic microscopy with applications in water quality assessment
F Kazemzadeh, C Jin, M Yu, R Amelard, S Haider, S Saini, M Emelko, ...
Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XVIII 9579, 957906, 2015
Computational circular dichroism estimation for point-of-care diagnostics via vortex half-wave retarders
SA Haider, MY Tran, A Wong
Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XVIII: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics …, 2018
Concurrent fluorescence macro-imaging across multiple spectral regions in the visible and the near infrared
F Kazemzadeh, S Haider, C Jin, DA Clausi, A Wong
Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XVIII 9579, 957907, 2015
Computational laser intensity stabilisation for organic molecule concentration estimation in low-resource settings
SA Haider, F Kazemzadeh, A Wong
Optics and Biophotonics in Low-Resource Settings III 10055, 100550W, 2017
Compact, Field-Portable Smartphone Chiral Molecule Concentration Estimation System via Multi-sensor Computational Polarimetry
SA Haider, F Kazemzadeh, A Wong
Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems 2 (1), 2016
An Integrated Systems Design Framework for Computational Polarimetry
S Haider, F Kazemzadeh, D Clausi, A Wong
Vision Letters 1 (1), 2015
Integrated computational imaging system for enhanced polarimetric measurements
SA Haider, F Kazemzadeh, DA Clausi, A Wong
Polarization Science and Remote Sensing VII 9613, 961309, 2015
Integrated Computational Measurement System for Enhanced Polarimetric Measurements
SA Haider
University of Waterloo, 2015
Restoration of block-transform compressed images via homotopic regularized sparse reconstruction
J Glaister, SA Haider, A Wong, DA Clausi
Visual Information Processing and Communication VI 9410, 941005, 2015
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Articles 1–19