Takuya Hayashi
Takuya Hayashi
endomoribu.shinshu-u.ac.jpÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Graphene quantum dots derived from carbon fibers
J Peng, W Gao, BK Gupta, Z Liu, R Romero-Aburto, L Ge, L Song, ...
Nano letters 12 (2), 844-849, 2012
Privacy-preserving deep learning via additively homomorphic encryption
Y Aono, T Hayashi, L Wang, S Moriai
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 13 (5), 1333-1345, 2017
Ca, P‐rich layer formed on high‐strength bioactive glass‐ceramic A‐W
T Kokubo, S Ito, ZT Huang, T Hayashi, S Sakka, T Kitsugi, T Yamamuro
Journal of biomedical materials research 24 (3), 331-343, 1990
Vapor-grown carbon fibers (VGCFs): basic properties and their battery applications
M Endo, YA Kim, T Hayashi, K Nishimura, T Matusita, K Miyashita, ...
Carbon 39 (9), 1287-1297, 2001
Effect of defects on the intrinsic strength and stiffness of graphene
A Zandiatashbar, GH Lee, SJ An, S Lee, N Mathew, M Terrones, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3186, 2014
¡®Buckypaper¡¯from coaxial nanotubes
M Endo, H Muramatsu, T Hayashi, YA Kim, M Terrones, MS Dresselhaus
Nature 433 (7025), 476-476, 2005
Nitrogen-doped graphene: beyond single substitution and enhanced molecular sensing
R Lv, Q Li, AR Botello-Méndez, T Hayashi, B Wang, A Berkdemir, Q Hao, ...
Scientific reports 2 (1), 586, 2012
Bulk Production of a New Form of sp2 Carbon: Crystalline Graphene Nanoribbons
J Campos-Delgado, JM Romo-Herrera, X Jia, DA Cullen, H Muramatsu, ...
Nano letters 8 (9), 2773-2778, 2008
Controlled Synthesis and Transfer of Large-Area WS2 Sheets: From Single Layer to Few Layers
AL Elías, N Perea-López, A Castro-Beltrán, A Berkdemir, R Lv, S Feng, ...
ACS nano 7 (6), 5235-5242, 2013
Photosensor Device Based on Few‐Layered WS2 Films
N Perea‐López, AL Elías, A Berkdemir, A Castro‐Beltran, HR Gutiérrez, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (44), 5511-5517, 2013
Structural characterization of cup-stacked-type nanofibers with an entirely hollow core
M Endo, YA Kim, T Hayashi, Y Fukai, K Oshida, M Terrones, ...
Applied Physics Letters 80 (7), 1267-1269, 2002
Applications of carbon nanotubes in the twenty–first century
M Endo, T Hayashi, Y Ahm Kim, M Terrones, MS Dresselhaus
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A ¡¦, 2004
Homeless and housed families in Los Angeles: a study comparing demographic, economic, and family function characteristics.
D Wood, RB Valdez, T Hayashi, A Shen
American Journal of Public Health 80 (9), 1049-1052, 1990
Effective NaCl and dye rejection of hybrid graphene oxide/graphene layered membranes
A Morelos-Gomez, R Cruz-Silva, H Muramatsu, J Ortiz-Medina, T Araki, ...
Nature nanotechnology 12 (11), 1083-1088, 2017
New direction in nanotube science
M Terrones, A Jorio, M Endo, AM Rao, YA Kim, T Hayashi, H Terrones, ...
Materials Today 7 (10), 30-45, 2004
Thermal stability and structural changes of double-walled carbon nanotubes by heat treatment
YA Kim, H Muramatsu, T Hayashi, M Endo, M Terrones, MS Dresselhaus
Chemical Physics Letters 398 (1-3), 87-92, 2004
Conducting linear chains of sulphur inside carbon nanotubes
T Fujimori, A Morelos-Gómez, Z Zhu, H Muramatsu, R Futamura, K Urita, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2162, 2013
Raman spectroscopy of boron-doped single-layer graphene
YA Kim, K Fujisawa, H Muramatsu, T Hayashi, M Endo, T Fujimori, ...
ACS nano 6 (7), 6293-6300, 2012
Selective and efficient impregnation of metal nanoparticles on cup-stacked-type carbon nanofibers
M Endo, YA Kim, M Ezaka, K Osada, T Yanagisawa, T Hayashi, ...
Nano letters 3 (6), 723-726, 2003
Rice husk‐derived graphene with nano‐sized domains and clean edges
H Muramatsu, YA Kim, KS Yang, R Cruz‐Silva, I Toda, T Yamada, ...
Small 10 (14), 2766-2770, 2014
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