Tomasz Kozlowski
Tomasz Kozlowski
Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois
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PARCS: Purdue advanced reactor core simulator
TJ Downar, DA Barber, RM Miller, CH Lee, T Kozlowski, D Lee, Y Xu, ...
2002 International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology …, 2002
PARCS v2. 7 US NRC Core Neutronics Simulator User Manual
T Downar, Y Xu, T Kozlowski, D Carlson
School of Nuclear Engineering Purdue University, 2006
PWR MOX/UO2 core transient benchmark final report
T Kozlowski, TJ Downar
NEA/NSC/DOC 20, 2006
Neutronics and fuel performance evaluation of accident tolerant FeCrAl cladding under normal operation conditions
X Wu, T Kozlowski, JD Hales
Annals of Nuclear Energy 85, 763-775, 2015
Inverse uncertainty quantification using the modular Bayesian approach based on Gaussian process, Part 1: Theory
X Wu, T Kozlowski, H Meidani, K Shirvan
Nuclear Engineering and Design 335, 339-355, 2018
Oecd/nea and us nrc pwr mox/uo2 core transient benchmark
T Kozlowski, TJ Downar
Final Specifications, Revision 2, 2003
Kriging-based inverse uncertainty quantification of nuclear fuel performance code BISON fission gas release model using time series measurement data
X Wu, T Kozlowski, H Meidani
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 169, 422-436, 2018
Neural-based time series forecasting of loss of coolant accidents in nuclear power plants
MI Radaideh, C Pigg, T Kozlowski, Y Deng, A Qu
Expert Systems with Applications 160, 113699, 2020
Inverse uncertainty quantification using the modular Bayesian approach based on Gaussian Process, Part 2: Application to TRACE
X Wu, T Kozlowski, H Meidani, K Shirvan
Nuclear Engineering and Design 335, 417-431, 2018
Review of multi-physics temporal coupling methods for analysis of nuclear reactors
O Zerkak, T Kozlowski, I Gajev
Annals of Nuclear Energy 84, 225-233, 2015
Cell homogenization method for pin-by-pin neutron transport calculations
T Kozlowski, Y Xu, TJ Downar, D Lee
Nuclear science and engineering 169 (1), 1-18, 2011
Surrogate modeling of advanced computer simulations using deep Gaussian processes
MI Radaideh, T Kozlowski
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 195, 106731, 2020
Inverse uncertainty quantification of reactor simulations under the Bayesian framework using surrogate models constructed by polynomial chaos expansion
X Wu, T Kozlowski
Nuclear Engineering and Design 313, 29-52, 2017
A comprehensive survey of inverse uncertainty quantification of physical model parameters in nuclear system thermal–hydraulics codes
X Wu, Z Xie, F Alsafadi, T Kozlowski
Nuclear Engineering and Design 384, 111460, 2021
Inverse uncertainty quantification of TRACE physical model parameters using sparse gird stochastic collocation surrogate model
X Wu, T Mui, G Hu, H Meidani, T Kozlowski
Nuclear Engineering and Design 319, 185-200, 2017
Analysis of the OECD/NRC Oskarshamn-2 BWR stability benchmark
T Kozlowski, A Wysocki, I Gajev, Y Xu, T Downar, K Ivanov, J Magedanz, ...
Annals of Nuclear Energy 67, 4-12, 2014
Demonstration of the relationship between sensitivity and identifiability for inverse uncertainty quantification
X Wu, K Shirvan, T Kozlowski
Journal of computational physics 396, 12-30, 2019
Consistent comparison of the codes RELAP5/PARCS and TRAC-M/PARCS for the OECD MSLB coupled code benchmark
T Kozlowski, RM Miller, TJ Downar, DA Barber, HG Joo
Nuclear Technology 146 (1), 15-28, 2004
Integrated framework for model assessment and advanced uncertainty quantification of nuclear computer codes under bayesian statistics
MI Radaideh, K Borowiec, T Kozlowski
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 189, 357-377, 2019
Coupling of system thermal–hydraulics and Monte-Carlo code: Convergence criteria and quantification of correlation between statistical uncertainty and coupled error
X Wu, T Kozlowski
Annals of Nuclear Energy 75, 377-387, 2015
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Articles 1–20