Ying Xie
Cited by
Cited by
A novel blockchain-based education records verification solution
M Han, Z Li, J He, D Wu, Y Xie, A Baba
Proceedings of the 19th annual SIG conference on information technology …, 2018
Integrating Internet of Things (IoT) into STEM undergraduate education: Case study of a modern technology infused courseware for embedded system course
J He, DCT Lo, Y Xie, J Lartigue
2016 IEEE frontiers in education conference (FIE), 1-9, 2016
Semantic relationship extraction, text categorization and hypothesis generation
JR Katukuri, VV Raghavan, Y Xie
US Patent 8,494,987, 2013
Green construction supply chain management: Integrating governmental intervention and public–private partnerships through ecological modernisation
Y Xie, YQ Zhao, YH Chen, C Allen
Journal of Cleaner Production 331, 129986, 2022
Fuzzy decision support system for demand forecasting with a learning mechanism
D Petrovic, Y Xie, K Burnham
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (12), 1713-1725, 2006
Deep learning for natural language processing
Y Xie, L Le, Y Zhou, VV Raghavan
Handbook of statistics 38, 317-328, 2018
Cognitive approach for location privacy protection
M Han, L Li, Y Xie, J Wang, Z Duan, J Li, M Yan
IEEE Access 6, 13466-13477, 2018
Massive data analysis: tasks, tools, applications, and challenges
MK Pusala, M Amini Salehi, JR Katukuri, Y Xie, V Raghavan
Big Data analytics: methods and applications, 11-40, 2016
Adaptive feature based dynamic time warping
Y Xie, B Wiltgen
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 10 (1), 264-273, 2010
The impact of mobile app adoption on physical and online channels
B Lim, Y Xie, E Haruvy
Journal of Retailing 98 (3), 453-470, 2022
Teacher perspectives of self-efficacy and remote learning due to the emergency school closings of 2020
K Ladendorf, H Muehsler, Y Xie, H Hinderliter
Educational Media International 58 (2), 124-144, 2021
Data mining: foundations and practice
TY Lin, Y Xie, A Wasilewska, CJ Liau
Springer, 2008
A new fuzzy clustering algorithm for optimally finding granular prototypes
Y Xie, VV Raghavan, P Dhatric, X Zhao
International Journal of approximate reasoning 40 (1-2), 109-124, 2005
Learning and practising supply chain management strategies from a business simulation game: a comprehensive supply chain simulation
L Zhou, Y Xie, N Wild, C Hunt
2008 Winter Simulation Conference, 2534-2542, 2008
Digital piracy, creative productivity, and customer care effort: Evidence from the digital publishing industry
X Li, C Liao, Y Xie
Marketing Science 40 (4), 685-707, 2021
Improving logistic regression on the imbalanced data by a novel penalized log-likelihood function
L Zhang, T Geisler, H Ray, Y Xie
Journal of Applied Statistics 49 (13), 3257-3277, 2022
Synthesis and evaluation of chloroquine‐containing DMAEMA copolymers as efficient anti‐miRNA delivery vectors with improved endosomal escape and antimigratory activity in …
Y Xie, F Yu, W Tang, BO Alade, ZH Peng, Y Wang, J Li, D Oupický
Macromolecular bioscience 18 (1), 1700194, 2018
Deep kernel: learning kernel function from data using deep neural network
L Le, J Hao, Y Xie, J Priestley
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM international conference on big data …, 2016
Improve the prediction accuracy of Naïve Bayes classifier with association rule mining
T Yang, K Qian, DCT Lo, Y Xie, Y Shi, L Tao
2016 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud …, 2016
Consumer perceptions of product‐claim versus help‐seeking direct‐to‐consumer advertising
S Nikki Lee‐Wingate, Y Xie
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 4 (3), 232-246, 2010
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Articles 1–20