kyoung chan lee
kyoung chan lee
Other namesk.c. lee
Pai Chai University, Professor
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Cited by
Headed stud shear connector for thin ultrahigh-performance concrete bridge deck
JS Kim, J Kwark, C Joh, SW Yoo, KC Lee
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 108, 23-30, 2015
Long-term displacement measurement of full-scale bridges using camera ego-motion compensation
J Lee, KC Lee, S Jeong, YJ Lee, SH Sim
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 140, 106651, 2020
Computer vision-based structural displacement measurement robust to light-induced image degradation for in-service bridges
J Lee, KC Lee, S Cho, SH Sim
Sensors 17 (10), 2317, 2017
Long‐term displacement measurement of bridges using a LiDAR system
J Lee, KC Lee, S Lee, YJ Lee, SH Sim
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 26 (10), e2428, 2019
Traffic safety evaluation for railway bridges using expanded multisensor data fusion
JW Park, KC Lee, SH Sim, HJ Jung, BF Spencer Jr
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 31 (10), 749-760, 2016
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of spatially suspended elastic catenary cable with finite element method
SP Chang, JI Park, KC Lee
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 12, 121-128, 2008
Comparative study of long-term displacement measurement methods− Focusing on a Pre-stressed concrete bridge under construction
J Lee, S Jeong, H Kim, KC Lee, SH Sim
Measurement 201, 111691, 2022
Long-term deflection prediction from computer vision-measured data history for high-speed railway bridges
J Lee, KC Lee, YJ Lee
Sensors 18 (5), 1488, 2018
Effects of long-wavelength track irregularities due to thermal deformations of railway bridge on dynamic response of running train
SH Hwang, S Kim, KC Lee, SY Jang
Applied Sciences 8 (12), 2549, 2018
Sensor data-based probabilistic monitoring of time-history deflections of railway bridges induced by high-speed trains
J Lee, S Jeong, J Lee, SH Sim, KC Lee, YJ Lee
Structural Health Monitoring 21 (6), 2518-2530, 2022
Rail neutral temperature monitoring using non-contact photoluminescence Piezospectroscopy: a field study at high-speed rail track
HB Yun, KC Lee, YJ Park, D Jung
Construction and Building Materials 204, 357-370, 2019
Longitudinal stiffeners in concrete-filled tubes
KC Lee, CH Yoo
Journal of Structural Engineering 138 (6), 753-758, 2012
Wire saw cutting model development and performance investigation for vibration reduced tunnel excavation
JH Lee, SK Ahn, KC Lee, CS Bang, JH Cho, M Sagong
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 63, 144-153, 2017
Evaluation of stress reduction of continuous welded rail of sliding slab track from track-bridge interaction analysis
KC Lee, SY Jang, DK Jung, HK Byun
KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research 35 (5), 1179-1189, 2015
Prediction of dowel action against concrete core without consideration of transverse reinforcement
E Jeong, KC Lee, SC Lee, J Seo, J Lee
Journal of Structural Engineering 146 (12), 04020279, 2020
Bayesian prediction of pre-stressed concrete bridge deflection using finite element analysis
J Lee, KC Lee, SH Sim, J Lee, YJ Lee
Sensors 19 (22), 4956, 2019
Review of current AASHTO fatigue design specifications for stud shear connectors
KC Lee, HH Abbas, GE Ramey
Structures Congress 2010, 310-321, 2010
Rail-structure interaction analysis of sliding slab track on bridge
KC Lee, SY Jang, DK Jung, HK Byun, HK Park, TS Yang
ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference 56451, V001T01A010, 2015
Method for launching/constructing bridge using assembly of precast bottom plate and concrete-filled steel tube truss girder
KC Lee, IH Yeo, SIL Kim, SY Jang, HM Kim, KH Kim, HW Ma, YH Kwak, ...
US Patent 10,161,090, 2018
Stud and puzzle-strip shear connector for composite beam of UHPC deck and inverted-T steel girder
KC Lee, C Joh, ES Choi, JS Kim
Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute 26 (2), 151-157, 2014
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Articles 1–20