Alexander Aguila Téllez (ORCID: 0000-0001-7749-5644)
Alexander Aguila Téllez (ORCID: 0000-0001-7749-5644)
Professor of Electrical Engineering - Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Ecuador - GIREI
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Cited by
Hybrid AC/DC microgrid test system simulation: grid-connected mode
L Ortiz, R Orizondo, A Águila, JW González, GJ López, I Isaac
Heliyon 5 (12), 2019
Optimal reactive power compensation in electrical distribution systems with distributed resources. Review
AÁ Téllez, G López, I Isaac, JW González
Heliyon 4 (8), 2018
Analysis of power losses in the asymmetric construction of electric distribution systems
AA Tellez, DFC Galarza, LO Matos
IEEE Latin America Transactions 13 (7), 2190-2194, 2015
Analysis of voltage profile to determine energy demand using Monte Carlo algorithms and Markov Chains (MCMC)
EM García, A Águila, I Isaac, JW González, G López
2016 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2016
Analysis of stability of tension and losses of electric power in distribution networks with distributed generation
F Castillo, A Aguila, J González
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (11), 4491-4498, 2016
Optimum location and sizing of capacitor banks using VOLT VAR compensation in micro-grids
G Gonzalo, A Aguila, D Gonzalez, L Ortiz
IEEE Latin America Transactions 18 (03), 465-472, 2020
Technical and Economic Assessment of the Implementation of Measures for Reducing Energy Losses in Distribution Systems
A Aguila, J Wilson
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 73 (1), 012018, 2017
Minimal Deployment and Routing Geographic of PMUs on Electrical Power System based on MST Algorithm
E Inga, D Carrion, A Aguila, E Garcia, R Hincapie, JW González
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (5), 2264-2270, 2016
Response of residential electricity demand against price signals in Ecuador
V Orejuela, D Arias, A Aguila
PROCEEDINGS of the 2015 IEEE Thirty Fifth Central American and Panama …, 2015
A novel strategy for dynamic identification in AC/DC microgrids based on ARX and Petri Nets
L Ortiz, LB Gutiérrez, JW González, A Águila
Heliyon 6 (3), 2020
Fault diagnosis on electrical distribution systems based on fuzzy logic
R Perez, E Inga, A Aguila, C Vásquez, L Lima, A Viloria, MA Henry
Advances in Swarm Intelligence: 9th International Conference, ICSI 2018 …, 2018
Optimal location and dimensioning of capacitors in microgrids using a multicriteria decision algorithm
A Águila, L Ortiz, R Orizondo, G López
Heliyon 7 (9), 2021
Analysis and simulation of ferroresonance in power transformers using simulink
RP Pineda, R Rodrigues, AA Tellez
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (2), 460-466, 2018
Multi-Criteria Optimization of the Deployment of a Grid for Rural Electrification Based on a Heuristic Method
L Ortiz-Matos, A Aguila-Tellez, RC Hincapié-Reyes, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 73 (1), 012020, 2017
Optimal sizing of distribution transformers using exhaustive search algorithm
AA Téllez, A Robayo, G López, L Ortiz, I Isaac, J González
2019 FISE-IEEE/CIGRE Conference-Living the energy Transition (FISE/CIGRE), 1-7, 2019
Design of Automatic Reclosing scheme in distribution feeders
JPV Molina, AA Tellez
IEEE Latin America Transactions 13 (8), 2587-2593, 2015
An arx-petri nets algorithm for active identification of an ac/dc microgrid simulation
LO Matos, LB Gutiérrez, JWG Sánchez, AA Téllez
2019 IEEE 4th Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC), 1-6, 2019
Óptima Compensación de Potencia Reactiva en Redes de Distribución Radiales considerando periodo de diseño Optimal Compensation of Reactive Power in Radial Distribution Networks …
SM Medina, A Aguila
2019 Int. Conf. Inf. Syst. Comput. Sci, 108-115, 2019
Optimización multicriterio de flujos de potencia reactiva en sistemas eléctricos de distribución
A Águila Téllez
Escuela de Ingenierías, 2021
Multi-criteria optimization of the deployment of a grid for rural electrification based on a heuristic method, IOP Conf
LO Matos, AA Tellez, RCH Reyes, JG Sanchez
Ser. Earth Environ. Sci 73 (1), 2017
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Articles 1–20