Fatih G. Sen
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Cited by
Ultralow-loading platinum-cobalt fuel cell catalysts derived from imidazolate frameworks
L Chong, J Wen, J Kubal, FG Sen, J Zou, J Greeley, M Chan, H Barkholtz, ...
Science 362 (6420), 1276-1281, 2018
Machine Learning Force Field Parameters from Ab Initio Data
Y Li, H Li, FC Pickard IV, B Narayanan, FG Sen, MKY Chan, ...
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 13 (9), 4492-4503, 2017
Machine Learning Classical Interatomic Potentials for Molecular Dynamics from First-Principles Training Data
H Chan, B Narayanan, MJ Cherukara, FG Sen, K Sasikumar, SK Gray, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (12), 6941-6957, 2019
Towards accurate prediction of catalytic activity in IrO 2 nanoclusters via first principles-based variable charge force field
FG Sen, A Kinaci, B Narayanan, SK Gray, MJ Davis, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (37), 18970-18982, 2015
Oxidation-assisted ductility of aluminium nanowires
FG Sen, AT Alpas, ACT Van Duin, Y Qi
Nature communications 5, 3959, 2014
Material transfer mechanisms between aluminum and fluorinated carbon interfaces
FG Sen, Y Qi, AT Alpas
Acta Materialia 59 (7), 2601-2614, 2011
Atomic and electronic structure of Lomer dislocations at CdTe bicrystal interface
C Sun, T Paulauskas, FG Sen, G Lian, J Wang, C Buurma, MKY Chan, ...
Scientific reports 6, 27009, 2016
Machine-learned impurity level prediction for semiconductors: the example of Cd-based chalcogenides
A Mannodi-Kanakkithodi, MY Toriyama, FG Sen, MJ Davis, RF Klie, ...
npj computational materials 6 (1), 39, 2020
Effect of selenium and chlorine co-passivation in polycrystalline CdSeTe devices
J Guo, A Mannodi-Kanakkithodi, FG Sen, E Schwenker, ES Barnard, ...
Applied Physics Letters 115 (15), 153901, 2019
Oxidation induced softening in Al nanowires
FG Sen, Y Qi, ACT van Duin, AT Alpas
Applied Physics Letters 102 (5), 051912, 2013
Low friction and environmentally stable diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings incorporating silicon, oxygen and fluorine sliding against aluminum
FG Sen, X Meng-Burany, MJ Lukitsch, Y Qi, AT Alpas
Surface and Coatings Technology 215, 340-349, 2013
Surface stability and electronic structure of hydrogen-and fluorine-terminated diamond surfaces: a first-principles investigation
FG Sen, Y Qi, AT Alpas
Journal of Materials Research 24 (08), 2461-2470, 2009
Template-free vapor-phase growth of patrónite by atomic layer deposition
MS Weimer, RF McCarthy, JD Emery, MJ Bedzyk, FG Sen, A Kinaci, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (7), 2864-2873, 2017
Friction and adhesion of fluorine containing hydrophobic hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (FH-DLC) coating against magnesium alloy AZ91
S Bhowmick, FG Sen, A Banerji, AT Alpas
Surface and Coatings Technology 267, 21-31, 2015
Describing the Diverse Geometries of Gold from Nanoclusters to Bulk A First-Principles-Based Hybrid Bond-Order Potential
B Narayanan, A Kinaci, FG Sen, MJ Davis, SK Gray, MKY Chan, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (25), 13787-13800, 2016
Roles of sliding-induced defects and dissociated water molecules on low friction of graphene
Z Yang, S Bhowmick, FG Sen, A Banerji, AT Alpas
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 121, 2018
Development of a Modified Embedded Atom Force Field for Zirconium Nitride Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization
B Narayanan, K Sasikumar, ZG Mei, A Kinaci, FG Sen, MJ Davis, SK Gray, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (31), 17475-17483, 2016
Evolutionary optimization of a charge transfer ionic potential model for Ta/Ta-oxide hetero-interfaces
K Sasikumar, B Narayanan, M Cherukara, A Kinaci, FG Sen, SK Gray, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (8), 3603–3614, 2017
Unraveling the planar-globular transition in gold nanoclusters through evolutionary search
A Kinaci, B Narayanan, FG Sen, MJ Davis, SK Gray, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 1-15, 2016
Unraveling the planar-globular transition in gold nanoclusters through evolutionary search
A Kinaci, B Narayanan, FG Sen, MJ Davis, SK Gray, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 1-15, 2016
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