Chang Hyun Sohn
Chang Hyun Sohn
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University
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Numerical study of the rounded corners effect on flow past a square cylinder
S Miran, CH Sohn
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 25 (4), 686-702, 2015
Experimental and numerical study on air cores for cylindrical tank draining
IS Park, CH Sohn
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (8), 1044-1049, 2011
Eccentric drain port to prevent vortexing during draining from cylindrical tanks
CH Sohn, BHL Gowda, MG Ju
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 45 (3), 638-640, 2008
Influence of corner radius on the near wake structure of a transversely oscillating square cylinder
R Ajith Kumar, CH Sohn, BHL Gowda
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23, 2390-2416, 2009
Innovative design to improve the power density of a solid oxide fuel cell
PA Ramakrishna, S Yang, CH Sohn
Journal of Power Sources 158 (1), 378-384, 2006
Draining from cylindrical tanks with vane-type suppressors—A PIV Study
CH Sohn, MG Ju, BHL Gowda
Journal of Visualization 12, 347-360, 2009
Numerical analysis of vortex core phenomenon during draining from cylinder tank for various initial swirling speeds and various tank and drain port sizes
CH Sohn, JH Son, IS Park
Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B 25 (2), 183-195, 2013
Experimental and numerical studies in a vortex tube
CH Sohn, CS Kim, UH Jung, BHLL Gowda
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 20, 418-425, 2006
Combustion of sandwich propellant at low pressures
PA Ramakrishna, PJ Paul, HS Mukunda, CH Sohn
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2), 2097-2104, 2005
PIV study of vortexing during draining from square tanks
CH Sohn, MG Ju, BHL Gowda
Journal of mechanical science and technology 24, 951-960, 2010
Effects of surface laminate type and recycled fiber content on properties of three-layer medium density fiberboard
MK Hong, MAR Lubis, BD Park, CH Sohn, J Roh
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2020
Effect of spacing on a pair of naturally oscillating circular cylinders in tandem arrangements employing IB-LB methods: Crossflow-induced vibrations
BA Haider, CH Sohn
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 142, 74-85, 2018
Influence of rounded corners on flow interference between two tandem cylinders using FVM and IB-LBM
E Adeeb, BA Haider, CH Sohn
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 28 (7 …, 2018
Numerical study of 3-D air core phenomenon during liquid draining
JH Son, CH Sohn, IS Park
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 29, 4247-4257, 2015
Flow interference of two side-by-side square cylinders using IB-LBM–Effect of corner radius
E Adeeb, BA Haider, CH Sohn
Results in Physics 10, 256-263, 2018
Heat transfer behavior of a temperature-dependent non-Newtonian fluid with Reiner–Rivlin model in a 2: 1 rectangular duct
S Shin, HH Ahn, YI Cho, CH Sohn
International journal of heat and mass transfer 42 (15), 2935-2942, 1999
Effect of water temperature on air-core generation and disappearance during draining
K Nazir, CH Sohn
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 32, 703-708, 2018
Influence of incidence angle on the aerodynamic characteristics of square cylinders with rounded corners: A numerical investigation
S Miran, CH Sohn
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 26 (1), 269-283, 2016
Parametric study and optimization of ceiling fan blades for improved aerodynamic performance
E Adeeb, A Maqsood, A Mushtaq, CH Sohn
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 9 (6), 2905-2916, 2016
A PIV study of the near wake flow features of a square cylinder: influence of corner radius
RA Kumar, CH Sohn, BHL Gowda
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 29, 527-541, 2015
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Articles 1–20