Mathieu Coquerelle
Mathieu Coquerelle
Laboratoire I2M
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Cited by
A vortex level set method for the two-way coupling of an incompressible fluid with colliding rigid bodies
M Coquerelle, GH Cottet
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (21), 9121-9137, 2008
A fourth-order accurate curvature computation in a level set framework for two-phase flows subjected to surface tension forces
M Coquerelle, S Glockner
Journal of Computational Physics 305, 838-876, 2016
A framework for pencil-of-points structure-from-motion
A Bartoli, M Coquerelle, P Sturm
Computer Vision-ECCV 2004: 8th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2004
A generalized high-order momentum preserving (HOMP) method in the one-fluid model for incompressible two phase flows with high density ratio
F Desmons, M Coquerelle
Journal of Computational Physics 437, 110322, 2021
Subgrid particle resolution for the turbulent transport of a passive scalar
GH Cottet, G Balarac, M Coquerelle
Advances in Turbulence XII: Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European …, 2009
A vortex method for bi-phasic fluids interacting with rigid bodies
M Coquerelle, J Allard, GH Cottet, MP Cani
arXiv preprint math/0607597, 2006
Geometrical level set reinitialization using closest point method and kink detection for thin filaments, topology changes and two-phase flows
F Henri, M Coquerelle, P Lubin
Journal of Computational Physics 448, 110704, 2022
Calcul d'interaction fluide-structure par méthode vortex et application à la synthèse d'images
M Coquerelle
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, 2008
Adaptive interface thickness based mobility—Phase-field method for incompressible fluids
D Sharma, M Coquerelle, A Erriguible, S Amiroudine
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 142, 103687, 2021
An efficient hybrid advection scheme in a level set framework coupling WENO5 and HOUC5 schemes based on kink detection
F Henri, M Coquerelle, P Lubin
8.2 Structure-from-Motion with Lines
A Bartoli, M Coquerelle, P Sturm, JT Lapresté, O Ait-Aider, N Andreff
Contributions au recalage d’images et à la reconstruction 3D de scènes …, 2008
Fluid-structure interaction based on vortex methods with application to computer graphics
M Coquerelle
HAL 2008, 2008
Couplage ossature-peau pour l'animation interactive d'objets déformables
M Coquerelle
Université Joseph Fourier and Institut National Polytechnique Grenoble (INPG), 2004
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Articles 1–13