Devendra Kodwani
Devendra Kodwani
Professor of Financial Management and Corporate Governance and Executive Dean Faculty of Business
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Big data academic and learning analytics: Connecting the dots for academic excellence in higher education
SS Chaurasia, D Kodwani, H Lachhwani, MA Ketkar
International Journal of Educational Management 32 (6), 1099-1117, 2018
The regulation of the United Kingdom electricity industry: an event study of price-capping measures
AW Dnes, DG Kodwani, JS Seaton, D Wood
Journal of Regulatory Economics 13 (3), 207-226, 1998
Stock market investors' use of stop losses and the disposition effect
DW Richards, J Rutterford, D Kodwani, M Fenton-O'Creevy
The European Journal of Finance 23 (2), 130-152, 2017
International evidence on the determinants of organizational ethical vulnerability
S Ullah, S Ahmad, S Akbar, D Kodwani
British Journal of Management 30 (3), 668-691, 2019
Financial strategy
J Rutterford, M Upton, D Kodwani
John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2006
Analysing corporate governance and accountability practices from an African neo-patrimonialism perspective: Insights from Kenya
D Kimani, S Ullah, D Kodwani, P Akhtar
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 78, 102260, 2021
Is the disposition effect related to investors’ reliance on System 1 and System 2 processes or their strategy of emotion regulation?
DW Richards, M Fenton-O'Creevy, J Rutterford, DG Kodwani
Journal of Economic Psychology 66, 79-92, 2018
Shareholder wealth creation following M&A: Evidence from European utility sectors
S Datta, D Kodwani, H Viney
Applied Financial Economics 23 (10), 891-900, 2013
A functional competition policy for India
PS Mehta
Academic Foundation, 2006
Governance disclosure quality and market valuation of firms in UK and Germany
S Ullah, S Ahmad, S Akbar, D Kodwani, J Frecknall‐Hughes
International Journal of Finance & Economics 26 (4), 5031-5055, 2021
Trust and the demand for personal collateral in SME-bank relationships
A Moro, MR Lucas, D Kodwani
The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance 16 (1), 57-79, 2012
The impact of ICT‐enabled offshoring announcements on share prices
E Daniel, D Kodwani, S Datta
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 22 (3), 241-256, 2009
Privatisation policy and power sector reforms: Lessons from British experience for India
D Wood, D Kodwani
Economic and Political Weekly, 2350-2358, 1997
Regulatory Institution and Regulatory Practice: Issues in Electricity Tariff Determination in Reformed Electricity Industry in India
DG Kodwani
Available at SSRN 1517180, 2009
Ethics to accountants: Challenges of a global qualification
D Kodwani, M Schillinger
3rd International Symposium ‘Can morality be taught, 2009
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and their cost of capital
A Moro, M Lucas, D Kodwani
Non-compliance, board structures and the performance of financial firms during crisis: UK Evidence
S Ahmad, D Kodwani, M Upton
Economic regulation of utility industries
DG Kodwani
Economic and Political Weekly, 2657-2661, 2000
Benchmarking water utilities’ performance using data envelopment analysis
D Wood, P Barrar, D Kodwani
Fifth European Workshop on Effi ciency and Productivity Analysis, Copenhagen …, 1997
The impact of compliance, board committees and insider CEOs on firm survival during crisis
S Ahmad, S Ullah, S Akbar, D Kodwani, S Brahma
International Review of Financial Analysis 91, 102979, 2024
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Articles 1–20