Murray Loew
Murray Loew
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Cited by
DC-UNet: rethinking the U-Net architecture with dual channel efficient CNN for medical image segmentation
A Lou, S Guan, M Loew
Medical Imaging 2021: Image Processing 11596, 758-768, 2021
CaraNet: context axial reverse attention network for segmentation of small medical objects
A Lou, S Guan, H Ko, MH Loew
Medical Imaging 2022: Image Processing 12032, 81-92, 2022
COVID-19 CT image synthesis with a conditional generative adversarial network
Y Jiang, H Chen, M Loew, H Ko
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 25 (2), 441-452, 2020
Mapping of egg yolk and animal skin glue paint binders in Early Renaissance paintings using near infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy
KA Dooley, S Lomax, JG Zeibel, C Miliani, P Ricciardi, A Hoenigswald, ...
Analyst 138 (17), 4838-4848, 2013
Direct magnetic resonance detection of neuronal electrical activity
N Petridou, D Plenz, AC Silva, M Loew, J Bodurka, PA Bandettini
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (43), 16015-16020, 2006
Near infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy to map paint binders in situ on illuminated manuscripts
P Ricciardi, JK Delaney, M Facini, JG Zeibel, M Picollo, S Lomax, M Loew
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 (23), 5607-5610, 2012
Computer recognition of cancer in the urinary bladder using optical coherence tomography and texture analysis
CA Lingley-Papadopoulos, MH Loew, MJ Manyak, JM Zara
Journal of biomedical optics 13 (2), 024003-024003-9, 2008
Breast cancer detection using synthetic mammograms from generative adversarial networks in convolutional neural networks
S Guan, M Loew
Journal of Medical Imaging 6 (3), 031411-031411, 2019
Approximating the gradient of cross-entropy loss function
L Li, M Doroslovački, MH Loew
IEEE access 8, 111626-111635, 2020
A comparison of the wavelet and short-time fourier transforms for Doppler spectral analysis
Y Zhang, Z Guo, W Wang, S He, T Lee, M Loew
Medical engineering & physics 25 (7), 547-557, 2003
Threshold estimation in single photon emission computed tomography and planar imaging for clinical radioimmunotherapy
YE Erdi, BW Wessels, MH Loew, AK Erdi
Cancer research 55 (23_Supplement), 5823s-5826s, 1995
Breast cancer detection using transfer learning in convolutional neural networks
S Guan, M Loew
2017 IEEE applied imagery pattern recognition workshop (AIPR), 1-8, 2017
Cfpnet: Channel-wise feature pyramid for real-time semantic segmentation
A Lou, M Loew
2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1894-1898, 2021
Modeling static and dynamic thermography of the human breast under elastic deformation
L Jiang, W Zhan, MH Loew
Physics in Medicine & Biology 56 (1), 187, 2010
Fully automatic 3D feature-based registration of multi-modality medical images
LY Hsu, MH Loew
Image and Vision Computing 19 (1-2), 75-85, 2001
Automatic registration and mosaicking of technical images of Old Master paintings
DM Conover, JK Delaney, MH Loew
Applied Physics A 119, 1567-1575, 2015
The quadcode and its arithmetic
SX Li, MH Loew
Communications of the ACM 30 (7), 621-626, 1987
Fractal dimension of low-resolution medical images
AI Penn, MH Loew
Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering …, 1996
Cfpnet-m: A light-weight encoder-decoder based network for multimodal biomedical image real-time segmentation
A Lou, S Guan, M Loew
Computers in Biology and Medicine 154, 106579, 2023
CaraNet: context axial reverse attention network for segmentation of small medical objects
A Lou, S Guan, M Loew
Journal of Medical Imaging 10 (1), 014005-014005, 2023
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Articles 1–20