Henrick Haule
Henrick Haule
Research Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
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Likelihood estimation of secondary crashes using Bayesian complementary log-log model
AE Kitali, P Alluri, T Sando, H Haule, E Kidando, R Lentz
Accident Analysis & Prevention 119, 58-67, 2018
Evaluating the impact and clearance duration of freeway incidents
HJ Haule, T Sando, R Lentz, CH Chuan, P Alluri
International journal of transportation science and technology 8 (1), 13-24, 2019
What are the leading causes of fatal and severe injury crashes involving older pedestrian? Evidence from Bayesian network model
L Lalika, AE Kitali, HJ Haule, E Kidando, T Sando, P Alluri
Journal of safety research 80, 281-292, 2022
Evaluating the effect of ramp metering on freeway safety using real-time traffic data
HJ Haule, MS Ali, P Alluri, T Sando
Accident Analysis & Prevention 157, 106181, 2021
Modeling wrong-way driving (WWD) crash severity on arterials in Florida
C Kadeha, H Haule, MS Ali, P Alluri, R Ponnaluri
Accident Analysis & Prevention 151, 105963, 2021
Developing Florida-specific mobility enhancement factors (MEFs) and crash modification factors (CMFs) for TSM&O strategies
P Alluri, T Sando, C Kadeha, H Haule, J Salum, MS Ali, J Kodi, A Kitali
Florida International University. Department of Civil and Environmental …, 2020
Investigating proximity of crash locations to aging pedestrian residences
HJ Haule, T Sando, AE Kitali, R Richardson
Accident Analysis & Prevention 122, 215-225, 2019
Investigating the impact of rain on crash-clearance duration
HJ Haule, P Alluri, T Sando, MA Raihan
Journal of transportation engineering, Part A: Systems 146 (11), 04020130, 2020
Evaluation of incident response improvements for statewide application: Learning from the new regional traffic management center in Jacksonville, Florida
T Sando, P Alluri, C Chuan, H Haule, A Kitali, R Lentz, A Huq
Florida. Department of Transportation, 2018
Evaluating the potential mobility benefits of transit signal priority with connected vehicle technology.
MS Ali, H Haule, P Alluri, E Kaisar
Advances in transportation studies 55, 2021
Are older drivers safe on interchanges? Analyzing driving errors causing crashes
DE Monyo, HJ Haule, AE Kitali, T Sando
Transportation research record 2675 (12), 635-649, 2021
Factors Influencing the Severity of Crashes Near Exit Ramps in North Carolina
HJ Haule, S Ali, A Kitali
Institute of Transportation Engineers. ITE Journal 91 (9), 41-49, 2021
Mobility impacts of ramp metering operations on freeways
HJ Haule, P Alluri, T Sando
Journal of transportation engineering, Part A: Systems 148 (2), 04021109, 2022
Impact of co-location of response agencies on the traffic incident timeline.
HJ Haule, T Sando, P Alluri
Advances in transportation studies 46, 2018
Examining the influence of work zones on the propensity of secondary crashes
AE Kitali, HJ Haule, P Alluri, T Sando
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 148 (9), 04022061, 2022
Influence of Intersection Characteristics on Elderly Driver Crash Involvement
HJ Haule, T Sando, AE Kitali, ML Angel, EE Ozguven
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2018
Empirical analysis of dilemma zone using high-resolution event data
P Pudasaini, H Haule, YJ Wu
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 12 (1), 2379376, 2024
705 Investigating contributing factors to road traffic injury severity: a comparative study of vulnerable and non-vulnerable road users in Ghana
A Mesic, A Kitali, C Mock, J Damsere-Derry, H Haule, C Feldacker, ...
Injury Prevention 30 (Suppl 1), A146-A146, 2024
Comprehensive Analysis of Red Light Running in the United States: Strategies, Successes, and Future Directions
SM Haroon, C De Luna Gutierrez, S Bhandari, A Ryan, H Haule
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2024, 204-214, 2024
Built Environment and the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users near Commuter Rail Transit Stations
JH Kodi, HJ Haule, MS Ali
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2024, 647-657, 2024
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Articles 1–20