Frederick T. Wehrle
Frederick T. Wehrle
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, University of California Berkeley
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Cited by
Impacts of adaptive collaboration on demand forecasting accuracy of different product categories throughout the product life cycle
M Nagashima, FT Wehrle, L Kerbache, M Lassagne
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 20 (4), 415-433, 2015
How does performance history impact supplier selection in public sector?
O Mamavi, H Nagati, G Pache, FT Wehrle
Industrial Management & Data Systems 115 (1), 107-128, 2015
Out of sight, out of mind? Supplier spatial proximity in French public procurement
O Mamavi, H Nagati, F T. Wehrle, G Pache
International Journal of Public Sector Management 27 (6), 486-500, 2014
Impact of incomplete contracts on supply base reduction: The case of French public procurement
O Mamavi, H Nagati, G Paché, FT Wehrle
Question (s) de management, 67-80, 2018
Achat public et proximité géographique: une étude économétrique dans le contexte français
O Mamavi, H Nagati, FT Wehrle, G Paché
Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 165-186, 2015
Hinweise für einen pre-existing bias für die Farbe Rot beim Menschen
FT Wehrle
L'influence de signaux naturels en communication: une contribution de l'écologie comportementale à l'étude du comportement du consommateur
FT Wehrle
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne-Paris I, 2016
Public procurement and spatial proximity: An econometric study in the French context
O Mamavi, H Nagati, FT Wehrle, G Paché
Recherches en Sciences de Gestion 109 (4), 165-186, 2015
A researcher’s guide to innate consumer behaviour : integrating evolutionary life sciences into marketing
Cahiers de Recherche PRISM-Sorbonne, 2011
How does performance history impact supplier selection in public sector?
OMHNG Pache, FT Wehrle
Hinweise für einen pre-existing bias für die Farbe Rot beim Menschen
FT Wehrle
Diplomarbeit, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 2010, 0
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Articles 1–11