The choice between an annuity and a lump sum: Results from Swiss pension funds M Bütler, F Teppa Journal of Public Economics 91 (10), 1944-1966, 2007 | 286 | 2007 |
Information economics U Birchler, M Bütler Routledge, 1999 | 242 | 1999 |
The WTO dispute settlement system: A first assessment from an economic perspective M Bütler, H Hauser Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 16 (2), 503-533, 2000 | 130 | 2000 |
Neoclassical life-cycle consumption: A textbook example M Bütler Economic Theory 17, 209-221, 2001 | 95 | 2001 |
How much do means-tested benefits reduce the demand for annuities? M Bütler, K Peijnenburg, S Staubli Journal of Pension Economics & Finance 16 (4), 419-449, 2017 | 70 | 2017 |
What triggers early retirement? Results from Swiss pension funds M Butler, O Huguenin, F Teppa Results from Swiss Pension Funds (May 2004), 2004 | 57 | 2004 |
The political feasibility of pension reform options: the case of Switzerland M Bütler Journal of Public Economics 75 (3), 389-416, 2000 | 52 | 2000 |
Avalanche forecast by the nearest neighbor method O Buser, M Bütler, W Good | 50 | 1987 |
Annuities in Switzerland M Bütler World Bank Publications, 2007 | 45 | 2007 |
Anticipation effects of looming public-pension reforms M Bütler Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 50, 119-159, 1999 | 43 | 1999 |
Transparency in parliamentary voting C Benesch, M Bütler, KE Hofer Journal of Public Economics 163, 60-76, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Framing effects in political decision making: Evidence from a natural voting experiment M Bütler, MA Maréchal CESifo Working Paper, 2007 | 37 | 2007 |
Payouts in switzerland: Explaining developments in annuitization M Butler, S Staubli Pension Research Council Working Paper, 2010 | 36 | 2010 |
The political feasibility of increasing the retirement age: Lessons from a ballot on the female retirement age M Bütler International Tax and Public Finance 9, 349-365, 2002 | 30 | 2002 |
Financial work incentives for disability benefit recipients: lessons from a randomised field experiment M Bütler, E Deuchert, M Lechner, S Staubli, P Thiemann IZA Journal of Labor Policy 4, 1-18, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Switzerland: High replacement rates and generous subsistence as a barrier to work in old age M Bütler The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice 34, 561-577, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
How much does annuity demand react to a large price change? M Bütler, S Staubli, MG Zito The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 115 (3), 808-824, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
Quand le travail coûte plus qu'il ne rapporte: Etude sur l'impact de la fiscalité et des frais de crèche sur l'activité professionnelle des femmes en Suisse romande M Bütler, M Ruesch Conférence romande de l'égalité, 2009 | 27 | 2009 |
Insights from Switzerland’s pension system M Bütler Reimagining Pensions: The Next 40, 247-73, 2016 | 24 | 2016 |
Tax–benefit linkages in pension systems: a note M Bütler Journal of Public Economic Theory 4 (3), 405-415, 2002 | 24 | 2002 |