Angel Lucie
Angel Lucie
UMR CNRS 7295, Université de Tours, France
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Cited by
Aging and self-reported internal and external memory strategy uses: The role of executive functioning
B Bouazzaoui, M Isingrini, S Fay, L Angel, S Vanneste, D Clarys, ...
Acta psychologica 135 (1), 59-66, 2010
Protective role of educational level on episodic memory aging: An event-related potential study
L Angel, S Fay, B Bouazzaoui, A Baudouin, M Isingrini
Brain and cognition 74 (3), 312-323, 2010
Individual differences in executive functioning modulate age effects on the ERP correlates of retrieval success
L Angel, S Fay, B Bouazzaoui, M Isingrini
Neuropsychologia 48 (12), 3540-3553, 2010
Two hemispheres for better memory in old age: Role of executive functioning
L Angel, S Fay, B Bouazzaoui, M Isingrini
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (12), 3767-3777, 2011
Neural correlates of cued recall in young and older adults: an event-related potential study
L Angel, S Fay, B Bouazzaoui, L Granjon, M Isingrini
NeuroReport 20 (1), 75, 2009
The amount of retrieval support modulates age effects on episodic memory: Evidence from event-related potentials
L Angel, M Isingrini, B Bouazzaoui, L Taconnat, K Allan, L Granjon, S Fay
Brain Research 1335, 41-52, 2010
Exploration électrophysiologique de la mémoire épisodique dans le vieillissement normal
L Angel, S Fay, M Isingrini
L’Année psychologique 110 (04), 595-628, 2010
More data-driven processing at retrieval reduces age-related memory deficits.
L Angel, S Fay, B Bouazzaoui, M Isingrini
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2010
Aging effect on recollection and familiarity processes
F Collette, L Angel, C Bastin, S Genon, E Salmon
Age-differences in the neural correlates of episodic memory retrieval depend on task difficulty
L Angel, F Collette, C Bastin, E Salmon
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Articles 1–10