H. Shanker Krishnan
H. Shanker Krishnan
Professor of Marketing, Indiana University
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Characteristics of memory associations: A consumer-based brand equity perspective
HS Krishnan
International Journal of research in Marketing 13 (4), 389-405, 1996
Control combinations in marketing: conceptual framework and empirical evidence
BJ Jaworski, V Stathakopoulos, HS Krishnan
The Journal of Marketing, 57-69, 1993
Memory-based measures for assessing advertising effects: a comparison of explicit and implicit memory effects
S Shapiro, HS Krishnan
Journal of advertising 30 (3), 1-13, 2001
Online/in-store integration and customer retention
E Bendoly, JD Blocher, KM Bretthauer, S Krishnan, MA Venkataramanan
Journal of Service Research 7 (4), 313-327, 2005
Cents or percent? The effects of promotion framing on price expectations and choice
D DelVecchio, HS Krishnan, DC Smith
Journal of Marketing 71 (3), 158-170, 2007
Using advertising alliances for new product introduction: interactions between product complementarity and promotional strategies
S Samu, HS Krishnan, RE Smith
The Journal of Marketing, 57-74, 1999
A process analysis of the effects of humorous advertising executions on brand claims memory
HS Krishnan, D Chakravarti
Journal of consumer psychology 13 (3), 230-245, 2003
Memory measures for pretesting advertisements: An integrative conceptual framework and a diagnostic template
H Shanker Krishnan, D Chakravarti
Journal of Consumer Psychology 8 (1), 1-37, 1999
Effects of Prototype and Exemplar Fit on Brand Extension Evaluations: A Two‐Process Contingency Model
H Mao, HS Krishnan
Journal of Consumer Research 33 (1), 41-49, 2006
How Images of Other Consumers Influence Subsequent Taste Perceptions
M Poor, A Duhachek, HS Krishnan
Journal of Marketing 77 (6), 124-139, 2013
The Aha! Experience: Insight and discontinuous learning in product usage
A Lakshmanan, HS Krishnan
Journal of Marketing 75 (6), 105-123, 2011
Comparing implicit and explicit memory for brand names from advertisements.
HS Krishnan, S Shapiro
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 2 (2), 147, 1996
Memory interference in advertising: A replication and extension
A Kumar, S Krishnan
Journal of Consumer Research 30 (4), 602-611, 2004
The relative endurance of attitudes, confidence, and attitude-behavior consistency: the role of information source and delay
H Shanker Krishnan, RE Smith
Journal of Consumer Psychology 7 (3), 273-298, 1998
Varieties of brand memory induced by advertising: Determinants, measures, and relationships
HS Krishnan, D Chakravarti
Brand equity and advertising: Advertising’s role in building strong brands …, 1993
Brand related information as context: the impact of brand name characteristics on memory and choice
S Samu, HS Krishnan
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 38 (4), 456-470, 2010
The effects of discount location and frame on consumers’ price estimates
D DelVecchio, A Lakshmanan, HS Krishnan
Journal of Retailing 85 (3), 336-346, 2009
Anticipated group interaction: Coping with valence asymmetries in attitude shift
A Duhachek, S Zhang, S Krishnan
Journal of Consumer Research 34 (3), 395-405, 2007
The dual role of emotions in consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction
HS Krishnan, RW Olshavsky
Advances in Consumer Research 22 (1), 454-460, 1995
Practice makes perfect? When does massed learning improve product usage proficiency?
A Lakshmanan, CD Lindsey, HS Krishnan
Journal of Consumer Research 37 (4), 599-613, 2010
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Articles 1–20