Nyoman Putra Sastra
Cited by
Cited by
Implementasi Algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128 Untuk Enkripsi dan Dekripsi File Dokumen
A Prameshwari, NP Sastra
Jurnal Eksplora Informatika 8 (1), 52-58, 2018
Environmental monitoring as an IoT application in building smart campus of Universitas Udayana
NP Sastra, DM Wiharta
2016 International Conference on Smart Green Technology in Electrical and …, 2016
Internet of things for intelligent traffic monitoring system: a case study in denpasar
IM Widyantara, NP Sastra
computing 2 (2015), 3, 2015
Efektivitas Pesan Teks dengan Cipher Substitusi, Vigenere Cipher, dan Cipher Transposisi
MA Maricar, NP Sastra
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro 17 (1), 2503-2372, 2018
Pengembangan Komunikasi Multikanal Untuk Monitoring Infrastruktur Jaringan Berbasis Bot Telegram
RJ Putra, NP Sastra, DM Wiharta
J. SPEKTRUM 5 (2), 152, 2018
Virtual view image over wireless visual sensor network
NP Sastra, W Wirawan, G Hendrantoro
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 9 (3), 489-496, 2011
Penerapan keamanan jaringan menggunakan sistem snort dan honeypot sebagai pendeteksi dan pencegah malware
DMW IKA Riki Gunawan, NP Sastra
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro, 2021
Evaluation of integrated university management information system using COBIT 5 domain DSS
AI Saridewi, DM Wiharta, NP Sastra
2018 International Conference on Smart Green Technology in Electrical and …, 2018
Monitoring Systems for Counting People using Raspberry Pi 3
K Rantelobo, MA Indraswara, NP Sastra, DM Wiharta, HFJ Lami, HZ Kotta
2018 International Conference on Smart Green Technology in Electrical and …, 2018
Introducing TAMEx model for availability of e-exam in wireless environment
G Sukadarmika, RS Hartati, NP Sastra
2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology …, 2018
A New Framework for Information System Development on Instant Messaging for Low Cost Solution
IM Sukarsa, IKGD Putra, NP Sastra, L Jasa
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16 (6 …, 2018
Token-based single sign-on with JWT as information system dashboard for government
IPA Pratama, L Linawati, NP Sastra
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16 (4 …, 2018
Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dalam Reformasi Birokrasi pada Bidang Pendidikan
D Krisnandari, DM Wiharta, NP Sastra
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro 18 (2), 287-292, 2019
Cooperative Diversity Pathsselection Protocol Withmulti-Objective Criterion In Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
N Gunantara, NP Sastra, G Hendrantoro
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 9 (23), 22395-22407, 2014
Performansi Jaringan TCP/IP Menggunakan Metode VRRP, HSRP, dan GLBP
IGM Surya, NP Sastra, ND Wirastuti
Majalah Ilmiah Teknik Elektro 18 (1), 77, 2019
Application of the Suzuki distribution to simulation of shadowing/fading effects in mobile communication
N Wirastuti, NP Sastra
International Conference Information & Communication Technology and System …, 2008
Perancangan dan Pembuatan Sistem Kontrol dengan Memanfaatkan Layanan SMS Telepon Selular Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89C51
INP Sastra, DM Wiharta, A Supranartha
ejournal. unud. ac. id, 2005
Rancang Bangun Object Detection Pada Robot Soccer Menggunakan Metode Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD MobileNetV2)
CGW Pramana, DC Khrisne, NP Sastra
Jurnal SPEKTRUM Vol 8 (2), 2021
Analisis Performansi Dan Efisiensi Cloud Computing Pada Sistem Perbankan
K Kurniawan, NP Sastra, M Sudarma
Maj. Ilm. Teknol. Elektro 19 (1), 11, 2020
Perbandingan Performansi Pengamanan File Backup LPSE Menggunakan Algoritma DES Dan AES
IPAED Udayana, NP Sastra
Teknologi Elektro, Januari 15 (1), 111-117, 2016
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Articles 1–20