Imtiaz Madni
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Cited by
Mixed surfactant system for stable suspension of multiwalled carbon nanotubes
I Madni, CY Hwang, SD Park, YH Choa, HT Kim
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 358 (1-3 …, 2010
MBE growth of HgCdTe on GaSb substrates for application in next generation infrared detectors
R Gu, J Antoszewski, W Lei, I Madni, G Umana-Membrenao, L Faraone
Journal of Crystal Growth 468, 216-219, 2017
Low dislocation density MBE process for CdTe-on-GaSb as an alternative substrate for HgCdTe growth
W Lei, YL Ren, I Madni, L Faraone
Infrared Physics & Technology 92, 96-102, 2018
Controlled vapour-phase deposition synthesis and growth mechanism of Bi2Te3 nanostructures
W Lei, I Madni, YL Ren, CL Yuan, GQ Luo, L Faraone
Applied Physics Letters 109 (8), 2016
X‐Ray Reciprocal Space Mapping of MBE Grown HgCdTe on Alternative Substrates
I Madni, GA Umana‐Membreno, W Lei, R Gu, J Antoszewski, L Faraone
Crystal Research and Technology 52 (9), 1700167, 2017
Recent progress in MBE grown HgCdTe materials and devices at UWA
R Gu, W Lei, J Antoszewski, I Madni, G Umana-Menbreno, L Faraone
Infrared Technology and Applications XLII 9819, 536-544, 2016
Minority carrier lifetime in iodine-doped molecular beam epitaxy-grown HgCdTe
I Madni, GA Umana-Membreno, W Lei, R Gu, J Antoszewski, L Faraone
Applied Physics Letters 107 (18), 2015
MBE growth of high quality HgCdSe on GaSb substrates
W Lei, YL Ren, I Madni, GA Umana-Membreno, L Faraone
Infrared Physics & Technology 92, 197-202, 2018
Enhancing the Sensitivity of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor with Glancing Angle Deposited Nanostructures
MA Badshah, D Michel, NE Alam, I Madni, N Abbas, K Alameh, S Kim
Plasmonics 15, 2161-2168, 2020
Colloids Surface A: Physicochem
I Madni, CY Hwang, SD Park, YH Choa, HT Kim
Eng. Aspects 358, 101, 2010
Characterization of MBE-grown HgCdTe and related II-VI materials for next generation infrared detectors
I Madni
Ph. D. Thesis, 2017, The University of Western Australia, 2017
Investigation of MBE-Growth of Mid-Wave Infrared Hg1−xCdxSe
I Madni, GAU Membreno, W Lei, L Faraone
Journal of Electronic Materials 47, 5691-5698, 2018
Recent advances in IR imaging focal plane arrays technology at UWA
R Gu, H Kala, J Antoszewski, G Umana-Membreno, N Dehdashtiakhavan, ...
2018 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices …, 2018
Carbon nanotubes based composites with high dielectric constant and low loss
I Madni, S Yu, R Sun
2012 14th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging …, 2012
MBE-growth of CdTe on GaSb substrates: A case study on the influence of substrate quality
I Madni, W Lei, YL Ren, J Antoszewski, L Faraone
Materials Chemistry and Physics 214, 285-290, 2018
Structural and electrical properties of Iodine doped Hg1−xCdxTe films grown by MBE
I Madni, RJ Gu, W Lei, J Antoszewski, L Faraone
2014 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials & Devices, 90-93, 2014
MBE-grown HgCdSe infrared materials on GaSb substrates
W Lei, I Madni, YL Ren, GA Umana-Membreno, L Faraone
Final Report W911NF-17-1-0545, 31, 2018
Investigation of MBE-Growth of Mid-Wave Infrared Hg1-xCdxSe (vol 47, pg 5691, 2018)
I Madni, GA Umana-Membreno, W Lei, L Faraone
JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 47 (11), 6943-6943, 2018
GaSb-based II-VI semiconductors for application in next generation infrared detectors
W Lei, Y Ren, I Madni, R Gu, GA Umana-Membreno, J Antoszewski, ...
2018 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics In Defense Conference …, 2018
Lattice Mismatch and Defect Generation in MBE‐Grown HgCdTe and CdTe Epilayers on Alternative Substrates
I Madni, R Gu, W Lei, J Antoszewski, L Faraone
International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN 2016), 2016
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Articles 1–20