Ben R. Hodges
Ben R. Hodges
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Modeling basin‐scale internal waves in a stratified lake
BR Hodges, J Imberger, A Saggio, KB Winters
Limnology and oceanography 45 (7), 1603-1620, 2000
Modeling circulation in lakes: Spatial and temporal variations
B Laval, J Imberger, BR Hodges, R Stocker
Limnology and Oceanography 48 (3), 983-994, 2003
Estuary, lake and coastal ocean model: ELCOM
B Hodges, C Dallimore
Science Manual. Centre of Water Research. University of Western Australia, 2006
On simulation of turbulent nonlinear free-surface flows
BR Hodges, RL Street
Journal of Computational Physics 151 (2), 425-457, 1999
Geospatial representation of river channels
VM Merwade, DR Maidment, BR Hodges
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 10 (3), 243-251, 2005
Impacts of hydrological change on phytoplankton succession in the Swan River, Western Australia
TU Chan, DP Hamilton, BJ Robson, BR Hodges, C Dallimore
16th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, St. Pete …, 2001
Numerical error assessment and a temporal horizon for internal waves in a hydrostatic model
BR Hodges, B Laval, BM Wadzuk
Ocean modelling 13 (1), 44-64, 2006
Reducing numerical diffusion effects with pycnocline filter
B Laval, BR Hodges, J Imberger
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 129 (3), 215-224, 2003
Coupling an underflow model to a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model
CJ Dallimore, BR Hodges, J Imberger
Journal of hydraulic engineering 129 (10), 748-757, 2003
Applying microprocessor analysis methods to river network modelling
F Liu, BR Hodges
Environmental Modelling & Software 52, 234-252, 2014
Numerical techniques in CWR-ELCOM
BR Hodges
Technical Rep, 2000
Challenges in continental river dynamics
BR Hodges
Environmental modelling & software 50, 16-20, 2013
Channel‐island connectivity affects water exposure time distributions in a coastal river delta
M Hiatt, E Castañeda‐Moya, R Twilley, BR Hodges, P Passalacqua
Water Resources Research 54 (3), 2212-2232, 2018
Modeling a plunging underflow
CJ Dallimore, J Imberger, BR Hodges
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 130 (11), 1068-1076, 2004
Modeling the hydrodynamics of stratified lakes
BR Hodges, J Imberger, B Laval, J Appt
Proceedings of Hydroinformatics 2000, 1-14, 2000
Numerical Techniques in CWR-ELCOM (code release v. 1)
BR Hodges
Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia 1422 (Technical …, 2000
Comparison of supersaturated total dissolved gas dissipation with dissolved oxygen dissipation and reaeration
R Li, BR Hodges, J Feng, X Yong
Journal of Environmental Engineering 139 (3), 385-390, 2013
High-performance computing in water resources hydrodynamics
M Morales-Hernández, MB Sharif, S Gangrade, TT Dullo, SC Kao, ...
Journal of Hydroinformatics 22 (5), 1217-1235, 2020
Estuary and lake computer model: ELCOM science manual code version 2.0. 0
B Hodges, C Dallimore
Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia, Perth, 2001
Experiment and simulation of supersaturated total dissolved gas dissipation: Focus on the effect of confluence types
X Shen, R Li, BR Hodges, J Feng, H Cai, X Ma
Water research 155, 320-332, 2019
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Articles 1–20