Maria Papadopouli
Maria Papadopouli
Department of Computer Science, University of Crete and Institute of Computer Science, FORTH
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Cited by
Effects of power conservation, wireless coverage and cooperation on data dissemination among mobile devices
M Papadopouli, H Schulzrinne
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2001
Analysis of wireless information locality and association patterns in a campus
F Chinchilla, M Lindsey, M Papadopouli
IEEE INFOCOM 2004 2, 906-917, 2004
Low-dimensional signal-strength fingerprint-based positioning in wireless LANs
D Milioris, G Tzagkarakis, A Papakonstantinou, M Papadopouli, ...
Ad hoc networks 12, 100-114, 2014
Seven degrees of separation in mobile ad hoc networks
M Papadopouli, H Schulzrinne
Globecom'00-IEEE. Global Telecommunications Conference. Conference Record …, 2000
Cooperative location-sensing for wireless networks
C Fretzagias, M Papadopouli
Second IEEE Annual Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2004
On user-centric modular QoE prediction for VoIP based on machine-learning algorithms
P Charonyktakis, M Plakia, I Tsamardinos, M Papadopouli
IEEE Transactions on mobile computing 15 (6), 1443-1456, 2015
Spatio-temporal modeling of traffic workload in a campus WLAN
F Hernández-Campos, M Karaliopoulos, M Papadopouli, H Shen
Proceedings of the 2nd annual international workshop on Wireless internet, 1-es, 2006
Connection sharing in an ad hoc wireless network among collaborating hosts
M Papadopouli, H Schulzrinne
Proc. International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for …, 1999
Locating application data across service discovery domains
P Castro, B Greenstein, R Muntz, C Bisdikian, P Kermani, M Papadopouli
Proceedings of the 7th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2001
Characterizing the duration and association patterns of wireless access in a campus
M Papadopouli, H Shen, M Spanakis
11th European Wireless Conference 2005-Next Generation wireless and Mobile …, 2005
Dyslexml: Screening tool for dyslexia using machine learning
T Asvestopoulou, V Manousaki, A Psistakis, I Smyrnakis, V Andreadakis, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.06274, 2019
Short-term traffic forecasting in a campus-wide wireless network
M Papadopouli, H Shen, E Raftopoulos, M Ploumidis, ...
2005 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2005
Design and implementation of a peer-to-peer data dissemination and prefetching tool for mobile users
M Papadopouli, H Schulzrinne
First NY Metro Area Networking Workshop, 2001
A performance analysis of 7ds a peer-to-peer data dissemination and prefetching tool for mobile users
M Papadopouli, H Schulzrinne
Advances in wired and wireless communications, IEEE Sarnoff Symposium Digest, 2001
Empirical evaluation of signal-strength fingerprint positioning in wireless LANs
D Milioris, L Kriara, A Papakonstantinou, G Tzagkarakis, P Tsakalides, ...
Proceedings of the 13th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis …, 2010
Evaluation of short-term traffic forecasting algorithms in wireless networks
M Papadopouli, E Raftopoulos, H Shen
2006 2nd Conference on Next Generation Internet Design and Engineering, 2006 …, 2006
Modeling client arrivals at access points in wireless campus-wide networks
M Papadopouli, H Shen, M Spanakis
2005 14th IEEE workshop on local & metropolitan area networks, 6 pp.-6, 2005
Trend forecasting based on Singular Spectrum Analysis of traffic workload in a large-scale wireless LAN
G Tzagkarakis, M Papadopouli, P Tsakalides
Performance Evaluation 66 (3-5), 173-190, 2009
A comparative measurement study the workload of wireless access points in campus networks
F Hernandez-Campos, M Papadopouli
2005 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2005
On-demand channel switching for multi-channel wireless MAC protocols
P Porwal, M Papadopouli
TR04-024 Report, University of North Carolina, 2004
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Articles 1–20