Marc Kamionkowski
Cited by
Cited by
Supersymmetric dark matter
G Jungman, M Kamionkowski, K Griest
Physics Reports 267 (5-6), 195-373, 1996
Phantom Energy: Dark Energy with Causes a Cosmic Doomsday
RR Caldwell, M Kamionkowski, NN Weinberg
Physical review letters 91 (7), 071301, 2003
Did LIGO detect dark matter?
S Bird, I Cholis, JB Muñoz, Y Ali-Haïmoud, M Kamionkowski, ED Kovetz, ...
Physical review letters 116 (20), 201301, 2016
Statistics of cosmic microwave background polarization
M Kamionkowski, A Kosowsky, A Stebbins
Physical Review D 55 (12), 7368, 1997
Cosmic chronometers: constraining the equation of state of dark energy. I: H (z) measurements
D Stern, R Jimenez, L Verde, M Kamionkowski, SA Stanford
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2010 (02), 008, 2010
Unitarity limits on the mass and radius of dark-matter particles
K Griest, M Kamionkowski
Physical Review Letters 64 (6), 615, 1990
Cosmology intertwined: A review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies
E Abdalla, GF Abellán, A Aboubrahim, A Agnello, Ö Akarsu, Y Akrami, ...
Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34, 49-211, 2022
A probe of primordial gravity waves and vorticity
M Kamionkowski, A Kosowsky, A Stebbins
Physical Review Letters 78 (11), 2058, 1997
Improved constraints on the expansion rate of the Universe up to z∼ 1.1 from the spectroscopic evolution of cosmic chronometers
M Moresco, A Cimatti, R Jimenez, L Pozzetti, G Zamorani, M Bolzonella, ...
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2012 (08), 006, 2012
Gravitational radiation from first-order phase transitions
M Kamionkowski, A Kosowsky, MS Turner
Physical Review D 49 (6), 2837, 1994
Early dark energy can resolve the Hubble tension
V Poulin, TL Smith, T Karwal, M Kamionkowski
Physical review letters 122 (22), 221301, 2019
Solar fusion cross sections
EG Adelberger, SM Austin, JN Bahcall, AB Balantekin, G Bogaert, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 70 (4), 1265, 1998
Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap
L Barack, V Cardoso, S Nissanke, TP Sotiriou, A Askar, C Belczynski, ...
Classical and quantum gravity 36 (14), 143001, 2019
Cosmological signature of new parity-violating interactions
A Lue, L Wang, M Kamionkowski
Physical Review Letters 83 (8), 1506, 1999
Planck-scale physics and the Peccei-Quinn mechanism
M Kamionkowski, J March-Russell
Physics Letters B 282 (1-2), 137-141, 1992
Cosmological-parameter determination with microwave background maps
G Jungman, M Kamionkowski, A Kosowsky, DN Spergel
Physical Review D 54 (2), 1332, 1996
Report of the dark energy task force
A Albrecht, G Bernstein, R Cahn, WL Freedman, J Hewitt, W Hu, J Huth, ...
arXiv preprint astro-ph/0609591, 2006
The physics of cosmic acceleration
RR Caldwell, M Kamionkowski
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 59 (1), 397-429, 2009
Snowmass2021-Letter of interest cosmology intertwined II: The hubble constant tension
E Di Valentino, LA Anchordoqui, Ö Akarsu, Y Ali-Haimoud, L Amendola, ...
Astroparticle Physics 131, 102605, 2021
Cosmic microwave background limits on accreting primordial black holes
Y Ali-Haïmoud, M Kamionkowski
Physical Review D 95 (4), 043534, 2017
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Articles 1–20