Bulat Burganov
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Cited by
Quasiparticle Mass Enhancement and Temperature Dependence of the Electronic Structure <?format ?>of Ferromagnetic Thin Films
DE Shai, C Adamo, DW Shen, CM Brooks, JW Harter, EJ Monkman, ...
Physical review letters 110 (8), 087004, 2013
Quantum many-body interactions in digital oxide superlattices
EJ Monkman, C Adamo, JA Mundy, DE Shai, JW Harter, D Shen, ...
Nature Materials 11 (10), 855-859, 2012
Strain control of fermiology and many-body interactions in two-dimensional ruthenates
B Burganov, C Adamo, A Mulder, M Uchida, PDC King, JW Harter, ...
Physical review letters 116 (19), 197003, 2016
Manipulating superconductivity in ruthenates through Fermi surface engineering
YT Hsu, W Cho, AF Rebola, B Burganov, C Adamo, KM Shen, DG Schlom, ...
Physical Review B 94 (4), 045118, 2016
A tunable low-energy photon source for high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
JW Harter, PDC King, EJ Monkman, DE Shai, Y Nie, M Uchida, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (11), 2012
Correlation between electronic and structural orders in
H Ueda, M Porer, JRL Mardegan, S Parchenko, N Gurung, F Fabrizi, ...
Physical review research 3 (2), L022003, 2021
Structural involvement in the melting of the charge density wave in
M Burian, M Porer, JRL Mardegan, V Esposito, S Parchenko, B Burganov, ...
Physical review research 3 (1), 013128, 2021
Ultrafast probe of magnetization dynamics in multiferroic and
S Parchenko, N Ortiz Hernández, M Savoini, M Porer, M Decker, ...
Physical Review B 105 (6), 064432, 2022
Ultrafast electron localization in the correlated metal
JRL Mardegan, S Zerdane, G Mancini, V Esposito, JR Rouxel, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (3), 033211, 2021
Ultrafast modulation of covalency in GeTe driven by a ferroelectric soft mode
B Burganov, V Ovuka, M Savoini, H Berger, JH Dil, J Krempasky, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.10361, 2020
Kinetics of a Phonon-Mediated Laser-Driven Structural Phase Transition in Sn2P2Se6
M Kubli, M Savoini, E Abreu, B Burganov, G Lantz, L Huber, ...
Applied Sciences 9 (3), 525, 2019
Photoinduced structural dynamics of multiferroic
E Abreu, M Savoini, L Boie, P Beaud, V Esposito, M Kubli, ...
Physical Review B 106 (21), 214312, 2022
Structurally assisted melting of excitonic correlations in 1T-TiSe2
M Burian, M Porer, JRL Mardegan, V Esposito, S Parchenko, B Burganov, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.13702, 2020
Simulation of GPR returns from finite-length dielectric cylinders
BT Burganov, LPL A.G. Vinogradov, V.V. Sazonov, A.G. Yarovoy
2008 European Radar Conference, 292 - 295, 2008
Nonlinear Phonon Dynamics in Ferroelectric Germanium Telluride via Double Pump Excitation
V Ovuka, M Savoini, E Abreu, B Burganov, MJ Neugebauer, J Dössegger, ...
International Conference on Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology (MUST …, 2022
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of epitaxially strained ruthenates
B Burganov
Cornell University, 2017
Suppression of ferromagnetism and observation of quantum well states in epitaxial thin films of the cubic ruthenate BaRuO3
B Burganov, H Paik, K Shen, D Schlom
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, K6. 010, 2016
Emergent long-range magnetic ordering in manganite superlattices
B Burganov, S Macke, E Monkman, C Adamo, D Shai, D Schlom, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2015, J32. 003, 2015
Manipulating superconducting tendency in ruthenates through Fermi surface engineering
YT Hsu, JH She, B Burganov, C Adamo, D Schlom, K Shen, EA Kim
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2014, Z47. 004, 2014
Electronic structure and strain-induced Lifshitz transition in epitaxial Ba2RuO4 thin films as studied by ARPES
B Burganov, C Adamo, D Shai, A Mulder, M Uchida, J Harter, C Fennie, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, Z17. 013, 2013
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Articles 1–20