Christopher R. Wren
Cited by
Cited by
Pfinder: Real-time tracking of the human body
CR Wren, A Azarbayejani, T Darrell, AP Pentland
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 19 (7), 780-785, 1997
Method for processing queries for surveillance tasks
Y Ivanov, C Wren
US Patent App. 11/429,024, 2007
Surveillance System and Method for Tracking and Identifying Objects in Environments
YA Ivanov, A Sorokin, CR Wren
US Patent App. 11/565,264, 2008
Dynamic models of human motion
CR Wren, AP Pentland
Proceedings Third IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and …, 1998
Real-time 3-D tracking of the human body
A Azarbayejani, C Wren, A Pentland
Proceedings of Image'com 96, 1996
Methods of establishing a communications link using perceptual sensing of a user's presence
JL Center Jr, CR Wren, S Basu, E Gusyatin
US Patent 7,242,421, 2007
Toward scalable activity recognition for sensor networks
CR Wren, EM Tapia
International Symposium on Location-and Context-Awareness, 168-185, 2006
Understanding purposeful human motion
CR Wren, AP Pentland
Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Modelling People. MPeople'99, 19-25, 1999
Videoconferencing method with tracking of face and dynamic bandwidth allocation
JL Center Jr, CR Wren
US Patent 6,680,745, 2004
Visualizing the history of living spaces
Y Ivanov, C Wren, A Sorokin, I Kaur
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13 (6), 1153-1160, 2007
Real-time 3D motion capture
T Horprasert, I Haritaoglu, C Wren, D Harwood, L Davis, A Pentland
Second workshop on perceptual interfaces 2, 1998
Perceptive spaces for performance and entertainment untethered interaction using computer vision and audition
CR Wren, F Sparacino, AJ Azarbayejani, TJ Darrell, TE Starner, A Kotani, ...
Applied artificial intelligence 11 (4), 267-284, 1997
Google+ ripples: A native visualization of information flow
F Viégas, M Wattenberg, J Hebert, G Borggaard, A Cichowlas, J Feinberg, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web, 1389-1398, 2013
Computer vision depth segmentation using virtual surface
YA Ivanov, AP Pentland, CR Wren
US Patent 6,911,995, 2005
Augmented performance in dance and theater
F Sparacino, C Wren, G Davenport, A Pentland
International Dance and Technology 99, 25-28, 1999
Hierarchical processing in scalable and portable sensor networks for activity recognition
CR Wren, EM Tapia
US Patent 7,359,836, 2008
The merl motion detector dataset
CR Wren, YA Ivanov, D Leigh, J Westhues
Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Massive datasets, 10-14, 2007
Toward spatial queries for spatial surveillance tasks
YA Ivanov, CR Wren
Pervasive: Workshop Pervasive Technology Applied Real-World Experiences with …, 2006
System and method for modeling movement of objects using probabilistic graphs obtained from surveillance data
CR Wren, YA Ivanov, A Sorokin, IK Banga
US Patent 8,149,278, 2012
Change detection by frequency decomposition: Wave-back
F Porikli, C Wren
Proc. of Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2005
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Articles 1–20