Matthew Davis
Matthew Davis
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Cited by
Pronoun use reflects standings in social hierarchies
E Kacewicz, JW Pennebaker, M Davis, M Jeon, AC Graesser
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 33 (2), 125-143, 2014
All work and no play?
QV Liao, M Mas-ud Hussain, P Chandar, M Davis, Y Khazaeni, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
What can you do? Studying social-agent orientation and agent proactive interactions with an agent for employees
QV Liao, M Davis, W Geyer, M Muller, NS Shami
Proceedings of the 2016 acm conference on designing interactive systems, 264-275, 2016
MEF2C and EBF1 co-regulate B cell-specific transcription
NR Kong, M Davis, L Chai, A Winoto, R Tjian
PLoS genetics 12 (2), e1005845, 2016
Systematic definition of protein constituents along the major polarization axis reveals an adaptive reuse of the polarization machinery in pheromone-treated budding yeast
R Narayanaswamy, EK Moradi, W Niu, GT Hart, M Davis, KL McGary, ...
Journal of proteome research 8 (1), 6-19, 2009
Leveraging conversational systems to assists new hires during onboarding
P Chandar, Y Khazaeni, M Davis, M Muller, M Crasso, QV Liao, NS Shami, ...
Human-Computer Interaction-INTERACT 2017: 16th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2017
An information retrieval framework for contextual suggestion based on heterogeneous information network embeddings
D Seyler, P Chandar, M Davis
The 41st international ACM SIGIR conference on research & development in …, 2018
Maintenance of Nucleosomal Balance in cis by Conserved AAA-ATPase Yta7
LM Lombardi, MD Davis, J Rine
Genetics 199 (1), 105-116, 2015
Pronoun use and dominance
JW Pennebaker, M Davis
Unpublished data. Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin …, 2006
The language of social hierarchies
E Kacewicz, JW Pennebaker, M Davis, M Jeon, AC Graesser
Manuscript submitted for publication, 2009
The language of status hierarchies
E Kacewicz, JW Pennebaker, M Davis, M Jeon, AC Graesser
Manuscript submitted for publication, 2010
A htp genomic engineering platform for improving escherichia coli
M Davis, C Wisnewski, P Westfall, Z Serber, EJ Dean, S Manchester, ...
Graphical Models For Rare Sequence Variant Interpretation
A Nampally, E Palovcak, G Bernstein, M Davis
AAAI: Trustworthy AI for Healthcare, 2021
A htp genomic engineering platform for improving escherichia coli
M Davis, C WISNEWSKI, P WESTFALL, Z Serber, EJ Dean, S Manchester, ...
Using an AI Agent and Coordinated Expert Sourcing to Construct Content for a Dialog System
M Davis, M Crasso, Y Khazaeni, P Chandar, D Levitin, W Geyer
IJCAI, 2015
Computational and Experimental Investigations of the Principles of Eukaryotic Transcriptional Regulation Before, During, and After Open Complex Formation
MD Davis
UC Berkeley, 2012
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Articles 1–16