Huiyao Chen
Huiyao Chen
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Orbital state manipulation of a diamond nitrogen-vacancy center using a mechanical resonator
HY Chen, ER MacQuarrie, GD Fuchs
Physical review letters 120 (16), 167401, 2018
Engineering electron-phonon coupling of quantum defects to a semi-confocal acoustic resonator
H Chen, NF Opondo, B Jiang, ER MacQuarrie, RS Daveau, SA Bhave, ...
Nano Letters, 2019
Dual-frequency spin resonance spectroscopy of diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers in zero magnetic field
AK Dmitriev, HY Chen, GD Fuchs, AK Vershovskii
Physical Review A 100, 011801(R), 2019
Acoustically driving the single quantum spin transition of diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers
HY Chen, SA Bhave, GD Fuchs
Physical Review Applied 13, 054068, 2020
Quantifying the Spectral Diffusion of N-V Centers by Symmetry
BA McCullian, HFH Cheung, HY Chen, GD Fuchs
Physical Review Applied 18 (6), 064011, 2022
Principal-component analysis of particle motion
HY Chen, R Liégeois, JR De Bruyn, A Soddu
Physical Review E 91 (4), 042308, 2015
Coherent acoustic control of defect orbital states in the strong-driving limit
BA McCullian, V Sharma, HY Chen, JC Crossman, EJ Mueller, GD Fuchs
PRX Quantum 5 (3), 030336, 2024
Investigation on a field description of the chirped laser pulse
HY Chen, SJ Huang, Q Song, PX Wang
Modern Physics Letters B 30 (06), 1650052, 2016
Quantifying NV-center spectral diffusion by symmetry
BA McCullian, HFH Cheung, HY Chen, GD Fuchs
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.11362, 2022
Dynamic strain measurements in bulk acoustic resonators with stroboscopic x-ray diffraction microscopy
A D'Addario, J Kuan, N Opondo, O Erturk, H Chen, T Zhou, M Holt, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, Q45. 011, 2023
Systematic study of correlation between spectral diffusion, strain, and depth from surface in nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
B McCullian, HFH Cheung, H Chen, G Fuchs
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, F35. 005, 2022
Engineering nitrogen-vacancy center electron-phonon coupling with a semi-confocal diamond acoustic resonator
H Chen, A Jiang, N Opondo, S Bhave, G Fuchs
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, L35. 008, 2019
Strong Mechanical Modulation of Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Excited States
H Chen, E Macquarrie, G Fuchs
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, F27. 004, 2018
Lattice dynamics in Bosonic 7 Li
HY Chen, M Jung, J Rabinowitz, IS Madjarov, HFH Cheung, YS Patil, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2016 …, 2016
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Articles 1–14