상위 저작물
h5 색인은 지난 5년간 발표된 문서의 h-색인으로, h는 2018-2022년에 발표된 h개 문서 각각의 최소 인용횟수를 나타냅니다.숨기기
저작물의 h5-중앙값은 h5-색인을 구성하는 문서 인용횟수의 중앙값입니다.숨기기
1.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture110169
2.Industrial Crops and Products93121
3.Plant Biotechnology Journal93121
5.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment79120
6.Scientia Horticulturae7699
7.Soil and Tillage Research7598
8.Agricultural Water Management7489
9.Field Crops Research6994
10.Theoretical and Applied Genetics6585
12.Horticulture Research6386
13.Plant and Soil6386
14.Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences5491
15.Journal of Integrative Agriculture5475
16.European Journal of Agronomy5372
17.Precision Agriculture5283
18.Agronomy for Sustainable Development5177
19.Plant Cell Reports5079
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